Please help a noob

I’ve played the game since mid January this year, and my Power-of-VISA is way greater than my game play.

So, I have attached my 5* and 4* heroes, and my question is: What is the stronges general defence I can do with my current heroes? And, what is the strongest defence I can build in the future with the heroes if they all was upgraded?

Thanks in advance

/Your dedicated noob.

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Pick 1 or a rainbow of heroes and then finish them, stop half upgrading everything.

I would recommend maxing 3-5 3 star heroes in each color as well as the same for 4 star heroes, so you can play in all the events and tournaments, as well as build 6 teams for wars. then you can start worrying about your 5ers.

If you continue spending the way you do, you will have many even better heroes than you have now, so there is no point recommending things that will be outdated before they become realized.