Ok I’m going f2p so i decided to level what i already have.
At the moment I’m maxing malosi but im unsure on the path to follow after him.
Could u suggest one 5 star per colour that u would level with my current roster?
I need ideas for offense.
Thanks in advance
Tarlak, JOON!, Queen of hearts,
Cannot see if Isarnia and hansel are maxed, if not, max them
Yes i was kinda convinced on tarlak and Joon.
Blue, red and purple is where I’m not so convinced.
I was thinking isarnia or Raffaele, Jean Francois or gkong.
As for purple either a second Clarissa, or domitia?
Mok arr , Aeron are worth it?
I have always been very fond of Isarnia, despite her slowness. With titans and Events, with access to mana, she is peerless. Raids are luck dependant, but if she shoots it is practically game over. I was not sold on Rafaelle, not making any effort to get him.
Despite complaints about JF, I think he is useful against enemies who try to de- shield you.
I know many like the queen of Hearts, so she is a valid possibility
Mok arr and Aeron are not worth it, but Domitia has the added debuff to her special. Frequently, in wars, I get short of debuffers.
Thank you, you were very helpful.
What about purple?
Sorry, was editing, lol
I would go Domitia, but most would not, lol
Guardian Kong is a no brainer - attacking cleanse is very valuable indeed.
(I have two Kong’s maxed and QoH almost there - zero regrets there!!)
Isarnia can be a bit squishy if you don’t have her costume… But still useful, especially on titans… I’d probably lean that way.
Dark… I love Mok and he’s powerful, but you’ve got dark AoE from Ursena.
Domitia gives you dispel and damage, which is obviously very useful - moreso without emblems on your Sabina
Agreed on Tarlak and Joon.
Jean-Francois–Extremely effective in Buff Booster tourneys. He’s also not a really rare sight in leaderboard defense teams. Imagine a troop bonus and the defense team’s +20% attack on top of his burn!
Tarlak–Crushing titans
Raffaele, then Mireweave for challenge events?
Joon–He’s awesome
Mok-Arr–Haven’t seen him in action much. But consider this: He only does 50% damage to his own squad now. That’s nothing. 270% damage to all enemies, though, can be formidable for an average skill especially if you match him with Wilbur or Isarnia. And dark enemies are no longer immune to this damage. I think it’s worth a thought. And if you have Mok-Arr with Raffaele then the 50& damage won’t even stay, will it? It’ll get cleaned off if the hero has under 50% HP, and if Raffaele went off a round or two ago, the regen will still wipe it off max-health allies.
Thanks everyone for the feedback.
I’m going guardian kong, isarnia, joon, tarlak and domitia.
Love you all
Yes, they are. This is unfortunately false.
Moks self damage is indeed low… It becomes useful with certain teammates (Wilbur and BK, Wilbur and Gullinbursti), mostly it’s irrelevant though.
Yes, 270% is significant… But it’s not significantly more than Ursena (see bench) at the same speed… It’s double the hit later on in the match (Ursena’s halves when enemies at <50% HP), though.
Mostly though, he’s powerful but not nearly as powerful as Killhare, now.
There’s just no point doing him with Ursena already done - it’s worth getting some different functionality on board.
(And I’m saying this as a regular Mok defender!!)