Onatel--Translation please?

What exactly does Onatel do? It looks to me like if the target gains mana, Onatel steals part of it, depending on how many turns her effect has progressed. If the target gains no mana, Onatel steals none. If the target gains mana the turn it gets hit, Onatel steals a tiny bit. If the target gets mana the 4th turn after getting hit, it all goes to Onatel. So she’s a mana vampire. Am I reading this right?

Yes, I think you are reading it right.


Yep. If the target gains mana while affected by her special, Onatel steals 25% of it (i.e. it goes to Onatel, not the target) on the first turn. The steal increases to 50% on turn 2, 75% on turn 3, and 100% on turn 4. And it can’t be dispelled unless she dies. She takes some strategy to use well, but I absolutely love her.

You got it right. And that’s why you can’t use her paired with Protheus.

onatel steals gained mana from target and neighbors. first turn 25% second 50% third 75% and fourth complete gained mana. She is a tactical hero but she is wonderful. Rescued me many times.

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I used to use her with Proteus all the time. Nowadays I rarely run them together because I can put maxed 5* teams together when raiding 3+2.

They are still good together. If you shoot her skill two turns after Proteus, you basically stop 3 opponents gaining mana for 5 turns (turn nr 4 they gain 25%). That is huge.

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Onatel is one of the best heroes of this game, when everyone has fallen she still stands, steals mana and self-heals herself and the yellow heroes for 6 turns, this may not seem like much but in rounds she is always the last to fall, It also attacks three heroes at the same time with 250% average. Lots of life, lots of defense, resists states that affect precision. For me a great hero.


Agree with @Aunty. I use both on my trials of decimation team, and it’s hilarious watching the bosses do nothing for basically the whole fight. Yes, the timing is more than just aim-and-fire, but I find that they can be effective together. During the current raid tournament, I also paired them, since preventing damage is a good strategy during bloody battles.

Also agree with this. It’s just stupid how often I’m raiding or in a war hit that I think it lost, and there’s Onatel, standing alone against two or three heroes, just firing away with her Eye of the Prophet, absorbing blows like a boss (I have her emblemed on the HP/def path) and passively healing with element link. She was my first legendary, so she’ll always have a special place in my heart for that, but she’s also still REALLY good on my roster.