Onatel or leonidas?

Hey guys, i need some help! I have onatel and leo on 3.70, i just got the last poison arrow i was waiting for for months. What do think, should i use them for onatel or leo?
Thanks for your thoughts

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I have Leonidas and he is useful… but you should ascend Onatel, she is way better at controls.


Both are good heroes. Inititally I went with Onatel and didn’t get on with her to much. Now I know how to use her I love her on attack, I’m trialling her as a tank at the moment.
The biggest decision is which one suits your gameplay style.

20 Onatel before Leo…

Wow cool, thank you guys, that was quick:-) in the moment i’m playing with alice, elkanen, kunchen, ranvir and mitsuko, all 4.80. I also have khagan and miki at 4.80 and seshat at 4.29. I think i will replace ranvir with onatel, as soon as she is fully leveled

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No question.Onatel.She is outstanding.Leonidas (have him maxed emblem +4) is just average.This blind seer is very high on my want list.My wife even got 2 of her.

Cool, thank you viking! I was lucky too and received her twice as well, but these poison arrows are so hard to get, i’m so happy that i finally got the last one…

What do you mean with “how to use her”? Do you have any advice?
Thank you

The big mana drain starts on the 3rd turn after her cast. On the 1st 2 turns it seems like nothing happens.


And casting it when the bar is nearly full is ineffectual unless you’re going for the kill. Try to do it when it’s in the 50-75% range.

Yes thats true, i use her in the war and it really seems that nothing happens the first two turns, but you guys helped me well and now i’m sure to ascend onatel! Can’t wait to have her on 4.80 :slight_smile:

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Oh cool, thanx ashland for this hint :+1:

In my honest opinion, and I have both, they are good 5* Yellow, but I would max Onatel first and put her in the Tank position with emblems. You won’t regret it

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Thank you JGE, i will do so :ok_hand:

I have both at 3.70. Onatel has the elemental link that gives +4% health during 6 turns (undispellable).

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I mean… that sounds a little excessive. Maybe 17 onatels… some diversity is nice, even if it’s not great.

But in any case… another +1 for the O.


I have extensive experience with both of these heroes and they form the backbone of every 3tack I use to attack Kunchen tanks. The two are both very worth maxing, especially because they have powerful synergy. Their skills are complementary and can completely shut out heroes from firing - sometimes multiple heroes. They have the same mana speed, which is also helpful in terms of planning.


She’s amazing and unique. No skill is quite likes hers, but it does take some getting used to. It’s hard to explain it perfectly; I think you’ll be better off gaining the knowledge experientially. It’s easy to say you want to save big cascades for turns 3 and 4 of her mana siphon, but harder to set up in practice. It’s easy to say you want to drain from one side and then the other, preventing or significantly delaying anyone from firing, but it’s much harder to know when to do this instead of hitting the same side again (especially if the tank is still alive). If you accept that and are willing to put yourself through the learning curve, she’ll be great for you.

Having Mitsuko makes her even more powerful, as the two have complementary skills. Onatel is very sturdy, but not a huge damage dealer - make sure you bring along some other heroes to actually make the kills. For these reasons, I think Onatel is well suited as a 1 in a 3-1-1 configuration (or in the minor stack of a 3-2). She is serviceable in a tank busting 3tack, though I wish I had other options (e.g., even Musashi). She can win raids by herself, as her self heal is not nothing and she gives you a lot of time (before enemy specials tag you out) if you have some ghosting space, skill, and patience. Also, she’s a viable tank, especially with emblems. Try to avoid putting her on the wing in defense.


I think he’s underestimated. His mana cut is deep, which makes him especially valuable on titans (where their mana pool builds slowly, so 40% is like a billion tiles). I have heard (though do not have personal experience) that he can be a difficult wing to take out in Field Aid wars if he is left for last. That makes sense to me, between his self-healing and FA triggering every other turn or whatever.

All that said, I’m not going to write as much about him since I don’t have as many selling points, but I hope that overview helps you. The last thing I’d encourage you to do is evaluate your emblem situation. If you had a major backlog at Wizard (Hel, Guinever, Zeline) and no viable monk, I could see that being at least enough of a factor in Leo’s favor to merit a bit more thought. That is, Onatel > Leo ceteris paribus, but talented Leo + 3.70 Onatel could be better than maxed but not talented Onatel + 3.70 Leo (again, assuming the former scenario has a top shelf Wizard blocking Onatel).


Cool, thank you guys!
@IvyTheTerrible, thank you so much, this is very helpful! But the problem is, i have only six of the poison arrows, and it took some months collecting them. So i decide to ascend onatel and if i ever should collect another six arrows, maybe in a year or so, i will ascend leo too!
Thank you guys


True but the depends on team strength which is trying to take Leonidas down. It’s hard to do so with 3* stars only (but mono purple 3* maxed already does high tile damage). As soon as the opp has so many heroes that he/she can afford to take 4* above 3.60 to clear Leonidas this no longer becomes an issue.