Onatel or Joon?


My team AFTER Shilo Desert coughs up my ORB!

Thought on Joon vs Onatel in my case?

P.S. My Wilbur is one hidden blade away from sending Scarlett to the kids table.

Tough call as you kind of want both.

Onatel is good on offense, events, quests, challenges, etc and she’s arguably by far your best tank on defense once she’s ascended and levelled. So yeah lots of good reasons to pick her.

Joon also good for everything. He’d be your 2nd fast legendary sniper so you’d have those roles filled for a while.

If you replace Scarlett with Wilbur and ascend Onatel I’m not sure you have enough damage and kill pressure. If you ascend Joon your damage and kill pressure is good but then your tank isn’t as powerful.

It’s a really tough call. I’m not sure you can go wrong as both Onatel and Joon are very strong. Both would be strong and key characters in your A team.

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I LOVE me some Onatel, but @DaveSonnenberg raises the right concern here. With the team you have now, I think Onatel should be the choice, but if you’re committed to dropping Scarlett for Wilbur, you’re gonna be light on firepower, even with Sartana. I already have this problem, as I like running two healers with my Onatel, so if I lose either of my hitters (Grimm and Gormek), it’s almost lights out for me. If you are like me, and raiding is just about getting a chest or two filled every day (cups don’t matter), then Joon might be the right answer here. If you aren’t committed to Wilbur over Scarlett, though, Onatel makes some unwinnable boss fights very winnable, as you no doubt know with her at 3^70. Definitely a tough call, but thankfully for you, two really excellent options.

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With your team, I’d go with Joon. Definitely need 2 good snipers and Joon is much better than Scartlett.

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Looks like you need more damage dealers, so Joon.

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I dont think too much about Kiril as a tank because my Def team is different… and needs advice as well…
Current Def team…

And my FUTURE def team I’m working towards…

Thoughts and advice? Thanks for all you’ve added so far! I genuinely appreciate it!

I was thinking about your question a bit more. Do you have any other 4* snipers? Cause if you have Peters, or Hansel, Caedmon, Sonya, Kelile, etc they might be a decent stopgap for your damaging sniper.

The biggest problem with your proposed A team IMO is that you are proposing to use 3 support heroes in Wilbur, Mother North and Kiril. I don’t like using 3 support heroes in raid/war defense. I think 1-2 is the right number. You want 1 tank. 2 or more fast damage snipers. And 1-2 support heroes. 2 is fine IMO, 3 characters who deal no dmg with their special is too much IMO on defense.

xxxx-Mother North-Onatel-(Kiril or Wilbur)-Sartana

where xxxx = Peters, Hansel, Caedmon, Sonya, Kelile, etc would be perfectly fine. If you don’t have another 4 star sniper I’d probably lean slightly towards Joon then.

Joon-MN-Kiril-Wilbur-Sartana would be fine too but your tank is a lot weaker long term. Put your fast damage snipers on the outsides.

Your future defense team looks fine. I’d switch Onatel and Azlar though. Onatel is much tankier. Azlar really punishes bad boards but I think Onatel would be a much more consistent tank that is going to be harder to kill overall.

G. Panther is probably a lot more rare than Frida/Arthur combined by quite a bit so yellow tanks IMO in general are slightly better than red tanks.

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I have a 3/10 Sonya hiding in my 4/42 Triton’s shadow in my training line. Triton was for Ranger emblems.

And now I’m wavering, who makes a better Paladin: Sonya or Cyprian?


Scarlet doesn’t hit very hard and isn’t super useful without a defense debuffer hitting first. For a first yellow 80 joon is going to be more versatile and provides a meat and potatoes hero you need. You fill heroes like onatel around those but you need a few of those first.

Do Joon and don’t look back. I would in your place. With just one 80 hitter you’re going to lacking damage, especially on offense.


Onatel is the best tank you have in this lineup. Boril may be tough, but i eat him up. Also Azlar. He’s better on the flank.
But, for sheer fire power, I’m tempted to say go with Joon first. He is not a decision you’ll regret.

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Joon Joon and Joon.

Always aim for the fast firepower first. Its all about attack first.

Onatel will go next. She is great but you need to have a solid team to go with her.

As @Dante2377 said, Joon would be your bread and butter hero that you will probably use for every situation. Upgrade him and dont look back. :wink:


Haha love it… if it’s twins Joonatel and Joonatella, maybe?


YAAAASSSS! :drooling_face:

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Ok my Onatel at 3/70, Joon is 2/1.
Was hoping for Poseiden to give my darts but now looks like I’ll be taking Joon to 3/70 and play with them together.

By then will likely be next Atlantis and I can try for both Ariel and Poseiden.