I need help once again lol. I can take two hero’s all the way and I’m stuck on how to arrange my hero’s. I just can’t decide to save my life.
We could give better advices by knowing your other heroes.
If it’s for the tank’s spot Id say Onatel.
@KingCrowlPow yes if you post your current defense or your planned defense with onatel and posedien, it’ll help see the dynamics of your defense as a whole.
@FraVit93 is great at breaking down and giving explanations on your defense including the positioning, he’s helped me a few times.
I was was given good info about switching out joon since he is better on offense. But I am able to ascend two 5*s. I was planning on building a different yellow. Then was thinking about maxing marjana or Zim. But I have options with the other hero’s I have. I just haven’t been able to decide and it’s honestly killing me… and thank you in advance for any and all help. I didn’t think I would have so many problems deciding on what to do.
Joon and poseidon give almost the same damage as hitter. The consideration come to 2nd skill while i think joon blind better than poseidon anti mana.
For onatel. I think she is one of the game changer. I love using her
Id say that Onatel would still be your best pick.
With your blue Crit troop you could increase Ariel’s defense greatly and field such a team:
(emblemless POV defense)
Onatel is one of the best heroes and while Poseidon is one of the sturdiest snipers (Joon’s attack and health with Lianna’s defense) I think he wouldn’t add too much to your bench as you already have Joon and G. Jackal to field on your attacks.
It could take time to build all of your heroes and maybe you would dislike empowering heroes as Sartana with your G. Panther glaring her
@FraVit93…wow that is one great looking team. I really do like that set up. Thank you so much for the input. And yes sartana has been giving me dirty looks since she was one of my first 5s. I got stuck building for war and trying to have options for titans. I also been meaning to work on the Hatter also. I think he would be interesting to play with. Thanks again… and for the record… I just noticed this, but I made a post a while ago about making an all lady team. Well I think this is a great way to check that off the list lol. I’ll be ascending Onatel and Ariel ASAP.
@FraVit93 I just wanted to let you know I am working on the team you helped me with. I got Zim finished and now working on Onatel and Ariel. Until then this is my team
… I cant wait until it’s done and just wanted to say thanks again. I’ll keep ya posted when it’s all done. Hopefully it won’t take to long lol.Your current is already solid.
Just switch out Athena for Ariel and Joon for Onatel.
Lacking a little DPS but extremely annoying.
That would leave me 3 healers and just Zim and Onatel for damage…?
The best defenses dont have healers usually. Snipers that cant be dispelled are best. If your running a yellow tank then run poseidon outside. Force the all purple attack and dismantle the mana blockers with poseidon. I would go onatel tank poseidon outside and a purple in between. Preferably a kage or sartana. Then fill the gaps with fast or very fast snipers
I’m far from done but this is what I changed it to just for now. I fell one dart short on ascending Onatel, and I didn’t notice until it was to late. But she is the last piece to the puzzle for now. And Sartana will be finished by tomorrow.
Got Sartana done Just Onatel now
Just got the last d. Blade I needed Onatel is ascended and on her way, I’m excited
Not finished yet but will be in the next day or two
… well @FraVit93 I came along way since April 15th when you gave me this idea. I just wanted to say thank you again. I can’t wait to really try it out and see results. Thanks for the input. This forum is amazing and all players should give it a chance. I have learned so much from you guys and I’m so grateful for it.We all are here ti help eachother and I’m glad to be of help
Tried this last week over the course of 2 days. Cups hung around 2500.
Drake - Kage - Onatel - Sartana - Rana
Onatel is not a good tank. Her damage and consequences are too low for most to care about. Drake is a better tank imho
Well she does her job and doesn’t go down in 3-tiles. She is not there for the damage but mainly to stall time for her allies.
I’ll one up that and say that Onatel is not a good defensive hero at all. Offense suits her better.