OMG! Just so OP!

So currently:


All the S5 ones tbh…I only keep 3* that will specifically help in events now and since none of these really helped I fed them all without really learning them. I’ve had 3 loses in the tournament so far and all contain one of them but I’ve also had like 5 very very close wins that were on a knife edge. Common denominator is these guys. That purple street rat kid had me jumping through hoops in a hit earlier…man he was like an Agent from the matrix he dodged so much…the green one with the heal was annoying too. So I really need to give these guys more respect


Ferant - still Ferant….yes he’s been nerfed but he’s still a very good 4* and in tournaments he can just ruin my day. I’ve yet to work him out fully and he’s a tripwire waiting to ruin my day


This is tough as I’m generally only fighting top tier defences these days and there’s a pile of heroes now who can ruin your day. The one that often seems to stick in my mind is Wolfgang though…he’s a royal PITA


I personally find Ludwig really tough, but Mana controllers like Merlin / Hansel / Gretel work wonders, he gives free mana to allies and self, and these heroes punish heroes who get 100% mana so…

and with them added th HA8 they are more accessible now


And the s5 3*? Tough indeed (I fought 2 defenses with all 5 of them, but won)

Honestly it’s their higher stats and passive abilities that make them toughest. Other than that, they are relatively balanced - mana speed vs special skill is reasonable. But it’s all tbe other bonuses that tip tbe scales


Time stops also help thats what i use …:+1:


MN - I have Viscaro on my team now and I happily let her keep resurrecting until she is whittled away
LOTL, C Alasie, Ruby - I take Baldur and he takes out the mana cut aspect of their specials, which is by far the most devastating bit
Alfrike - Emilio counters her but even if he fails or I don’t bring him I have learned to manage the mana in a way that I (often) don’t lose my specials
Morel, Frigg, C Finley, other defense down heroes - Luigi is my best friend against defense down heroes and I can happily let them fire their specials with no reprecusion


I agree with Clese on Alfrike. Very fast, yeah, still awful. But normal speed I have a stew of heros that if any of them can get charged make her a shell of herself. I don’t really worry that much about her anymore.

And Ludwig. He’s so slow and I’ve figured out too many counters. He’s fine.

I cannot stand that red ninja, Garnet. She shoots off at 1st charge every time and so the other team has anti-debuff in perpetuity. It’s annoying as ****.


How do you beat teams with multiple strong fast snipers? Personally I think I avoid teams with heroes like Gefjon, C. Magni, Kingston, Seshat and many other fast snipers in one team. I usually know that I will loose. Unfavorable board and a few cascades will charge them and they will kill my heroes.
I play mostly with epic heroes.


Margaret is ok to decent against sniper stacked defenses.

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I agree re Alfrike - unless it’s in rush, her speed is low enough that I can usually take her out before she fires. But even if she does, my teams can usually survive - I try to unload my special skills before she fires so her mindless attack won’t work. the max HP reduction isn’t that bad

re Garnet, I used to hate her, now I just bring a couple of dispellers.

like with @Kilted , I find dodgers great against these. Blinders too. My fave team is my Yellow team, Inari’s dodge and Joon’s blind work wonders. Margaret too

in absence of that, defense buffs help a lot. The number of times a hero of mine has tanked a snipe because of C-Mel’s or Kiril’s defense buffs… :slight_smile:

@Kilted this is an amazing thread, thank you!


I don’t have any dodgers, so can’t use them. My blinders are Joon and Justice. Justice is slow, not sure if I can charge her on time.
Thank you for the advice. :slight_smile:


If you are playing mainly with epics, I can see it would be a struggle against the snipers especially with them being fast etc.

Along with blind, I might try mana control and counter attack? Perhaps some attk down on them or Def up. So for epic options perhaps Scarlett & Gandalf? That might be enough to buy you some time.


Yes, I have Joon and many mana control heroes and with counterattack. But they are average or slow and if a board is not good for me, not completely rubbish, but not favorable then those snipers kill me first or leave mu heroes at 10% health or so. I think it’s a problem of using epic heroes that can’t survive long enough. Maybe I should start taking 2 healers instead of one?

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I usually use attack debuff which is fine vs snipers. In addition, heavily embleming and limit breaking your 4* helps them survive vs snipers pretty well. Scarlett, cKiril - both very good options. Another way to survive vs a sniper defense is to include several rogues in your team (i.e. cGrimm instead of Grimm, Peters instead of Hanzel, Scarlett, Griffin, etc).

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Ah yes thank you - I can even make those now :partying_face:

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Which mana control and counter heroes do you have? :slight_smile: i do feel your pain re average speed though, it usually feels not fast enough these days :frowning:


Let me show you my roster, it will be quicker than writing a whole list:



For Treevil - i bring Pixie.
A second pixie was my main goal for last challenge festival. 3* manacontrol when he is not a tank.

All snipers, this used to be a pain, but not anymore. I play with three healers in different colours, two of them overhealers, so I mostly always have a save around the corner. With only snipers it’s just a matter of picking them of one by one, and only if they luck out and fire at the same target will I get problems.

I also used to struggle with Kunchen, but as I got more cleansers it helped a lot.
These days its Skadi I tend to avoid, as I have two minion makers on my regular team, and my resist ailments is useless against her stack. And I am to lazy to change my raiding team for each attack. Have found a setup that works in 90% of cases :sweat_smile:


thanks! have you tried Joon / Gullinbursti / Mist / C-Chao? besides Gullin they are all fast, though indeed the problem with Mist and C-Chao is if they do not fire fast enough, they cannot stop enemy snipers in their tracks…

Proteus and C-Rigard are another good combo, but yeah would now be a bit difficult as your Purple 5*s are not (yet) the best.


In the early days 1200-1600 cups, I absolutely hated kashrek. I have yet to learn to stack mono at the time and he wrecks me everytime cause I brought 4 3* and Caedmon.

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So another option for you looking at your roster is Wilbur Vs snipers. By the time the snipe hot is put across your 5 heroes it won’t seem too bad. Probably about the same as a Kadilen firing

Also Bai Yeaoung for the big blind