Not my alliance anymore
Calling all mods (or, well, just one )
Merge? Or close/reopen?
@JonahTheBard @Guvnor @littleKAF @Dudeious.Maximus
I’ve got a few old recruitment threads that have since closed that idk what to do with since I can’t access em
(Sorry for the mess, so I’ll try linking em in hopes it makes things easier)
I’ve unlisted the old ones.
If this one becomes locked due to being unused, just flag it as ‘other’ and we can open it.
And just be warned, you guys are my designated emergency bunker if I ever find myself homeless
How have I not known about that til now?!
You have just saved me a world of headache and grief lol you don’t even know.
Thank you
PS: You’ll always be welcome (well, maybe for a song… )
Bump dee dee bump bump
Ravens of Valhalla has one spot available
Come join us
ID: randapanduh
One spot available; don’t miss your chance to feel the warmth of our lovely Ravens of Valhalla
Trust me, if you like the game - but not any of the stress that comes with some alliances - we’ll be the perfect fit
(And you may never wanna leave )
I like to bump bump bump
My thread to top top top
Nts nts nts
Where I can lump lump lump
Queries in one spot spot spot
Nts nts nts
(Hmu thru Line; ID: randapanduh)
Bumping makes me go a lil crazy
Thank you for your time ; Ravens of Valhalla is now full
If you think you’d be interested in our next available opening, shoot a comment, or contact one of us thru Line, and we’ll see about getting ya in
ID: randapanduh
ID: kerrang5510
Phew, almost missed the cut-off
We’re full atm, but always looking for members who wanna join the Raven family
ID: randapanduh
Ravens of Valhalla is full atm
(Although, we are always prepared to add to our wait-list)
Gate to Valhalla is recruiting right now Our lil baby sister is growing up so fast
She’s on her way to 9* titans right now
So for those who feel like the Ravens family may be their sort of home - come check us out! Trust me: if ya love the game, but not all of the rules that come will alliances, you’ll love us (I just know it)
Gate to Valhalla is recruiting!
(Check em out)
The vibe is very similar to that of RoV, just a lil less intense/overwhelming. However, you’re still connected with all of us over at RoV (thru Line or Fbook), and bonus: you get first dibs at any future available openings in Ravens of Valhalla
They’re fighting 8* and 9* titans atm, but the more members we add to it, the stronger it’ll grow! & Trust me, it’s the sort of alliance you want to be in, and see grow. I mean, I may be bias and all of that, but I seriously can’t imagine alliances getting any better than the Ravens family already is Honestly, it’s why they’ve had my undying loyalty for almost three years now; they’re all the very best.
(& I mean, when I started out in RoV, we were battling 6* titans - and look at us now! )
Sooooo, hmu thru Line if you’re interested in joining the family ~
ID: randapanduh
Although Ravens of Valhalla is currently full atm…
Our sister
Gate to Valhalla 
is recruiting!
12 spots available now
So if you’d like a change of pace, and want an alliance that actually feels like a home, come check us out (you won’t regret it)
Any questions or inquiries, shoot a comment, or send me a message thru Line, anytime ~
ID: randapanduh
Linkie, Linkie
Randa doesn’t wanna have to bother the mods (again) if this thread were to close suddenly, soo…
Dance Party Time
But, unless you’re a Raven yourself, well then… you’re not invited
Disclaimer to the disclaimer
And, even if you are a Raven… you’re responsible for starting your own dance party
Disclaimer to the disclaimer to the disclaimer
Also, Randa isn’t liable for any of this
Disclaimer to the disclaimer to the disclaimer to the disclaimer
Sorry for getting your hopes up (but umm… not sorry)
Disclaimer to the disclaimer to the disclaimer to the disclaimer to the disclaimer
The use of third person? Uhh, I have no comment. Just… Roll with it
Beep Beep
Rare opportunity to join Ravens of Valhalla approaching
Ravens of Valhalla has ONE spot available, guys
So if you’re interested, or have any questions, hmu
Line ID: randapanduh
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Well hello there, forum goers
It’s been a hot minute, now hasn’t it?!
Look who has two open spots
Ravens of Valhalla
(If you’d like more info)
ID: randapanduh
For those who want in the family, just in a less serious way, check out Gate to Valhalla. They’re fighting 8*-11* Titans & Our brand new Guardians of Valhalla for those who are growing, or need a break
We have one spot available now, one that will be tomorrow, and another once PoV concludes
Get in while ya can