Counterattack works much better on attack then defense.
Especially against triple bosses.
(Talent Grid Boril Help - #5 by Gryphonknight)
Classic 4* / 5* Syndrome
Obakan’s biggest problem is there is no money in making Classic 4* / 5* heroes better than HotM and making heroes useful for multiple roles and upgrading old heroes periodically.
This is really glaring when you examine the Classic 4* / 5* healers versus limited time 4* / 5* healers.
Obakan/ Boss Wolf
Boss Wolf is the refinement of Obakan.
The core of the special skill is tweaked then a lot of additional effects are added.
With Boss Wolf the Devs realized counterattack works better when it covers more targets. Just like Boril, sturdy heroes like Boss Wolf work better for counterattack since they are reactive they need to be alive to react.
While useful, Obakan’s caster only counterattack and lack of sturdiness do not make the most of counterattack.
Sumitomo/ Obakan
No excuse for Sumitomo except Sumitomo and Boss Wolf are also computer controlled bosses.
I would actually like Sumitomo, and Obakan to be buffed “caster reflects 35% damage” instead of “counterattack 115%+ damage”.
Classic versus Limited time
The Obakan/ Boss Wolf counterattack situation is similar to Little John/ Hansel mana control situation.
Interestingly Obakan and Little John were created at the same time and Boss Wolf and Hansel were created at th same time.