Next purple ...who do i ascend?

I have 1 set of tabards…who do i ascend?
Bera, onyx or costume sartana?

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I’m a big fan of my C.Sartana. She hits like a truck when you chuck some emblems in to boost the attack stat.


I plan to use cobalt in my defense…so i dont think I’ll emblem her anytime soon.
Wish they weren’t both wizards

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Someone else have suggestions?

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In my honest opinion, given what I can see from your roster, I would max out Costume Sartana.
Put some emblems on her and you won’t be disappointed
Whichever hero you choose, good luck


Have a look at this


Costume Sartana is my choice. The other two are very useful, but she hits so hard. The other two are worth tabards for sure when you get 6 more.



Most folks on here aren’t in love with the idea of using these ninja heroes on defense as it will be random as to which Charge they will use their special. Cobalt looks like a fantastic offense hero, but I’m going to shy away from them on defense. I have Garnet and Jade, btw. Not Cobalt.

Back to the question of which to level, I too think CosSartana is a beast. You already have a dark sniper in Domitia. Alfrike and Ursena for the AoE. Clarissa for the very fast attack and poison on three. So maybe Bera would work out as Fast minion breeder. Poisons for Clarissa, CosDomitia and the minions will ovewrite each other though. The problem with multiple poison dealers. So I think I just talked myself back into CosSartana. Lol…sorry for meandering.


Man is really such a hard choice…2 days ago i just had bera… Now I’m lost


I hear that. So I’ve just recently decided to mix it up a bit and play with heroes that I like playing with more than what the rankings and other folks say. Just a personal decision to keep me more engaged with the game. I’m DYING to get CosSartana one of these days, but I think I would probably go with Bera if I had your decision. Just to mix things up…a different kind of hero. My two cents.


Thanks everyone, i think I’ll get them all to 70 and see who’s more fun to play…my heart says bera or the ninja although probably the wisest choice is Sartana.
Peace everyone, love how helpful u all are


So far I have leveled up Seshat, Sartana+Cos., Jabberwock, Domitia+Cos, Kunchen, Grimble. I have enough tabards to ascend (3) more dark to 4th tier. Who should I ascend next?

Aeron, Dark Lord, Quintus+Cos, Kageburado, Killhare, Freya, Clarissa, Obakan, Boss Wolf, Sargasso, Victor, Zulag, Dup.Quintus, Dup.Domitia, Dup.Freya, Dup.Zulag, Dup.Clarissa, Dup.Kageburado, Dup.Grimble, Dup.Seshat, Dup.Sargasso, Dup.Sartana, Dub.Obakan

I would probably level freya before dark lord… You seem to lack a minion maker

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Kilhare, Freya & Kageburado


Exactly the three I would choose as well.

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Alright, thanks, appreciate it

Skadi owners must really love minion makers from the enemy. Lol