Norns, Joon or anything else in the roster?
Thanks ahead
I would 100% do Joon next.
Joon for another yellow sniper (stronger hit than Poseidon, but also squishier).
Or Inari for an offensive utility hero that can protect all your team and help them charge faster.
A little update on my emblems
Your stack of monk emblems is clearly crying out for Joon.
642 Monk emblems, that’s a +9 Joon right there.
If so, since I’m also maxing Raffaele, would you spare some of those emblems for him?
Do you plan on Joon or Raff ending up on your raid/war defense team? If so, I’d put the emblems on that hero.
I don’t think Raffaele Will end up on my defense… But Joon perhaps will
Then I’d put them all on Joon.
Thanks everyone for the feedback
In my honest opinion and I have this hero in costume, I would focus on Joon first.
Whichever hero you choose good luck
Another vote for Joon. But, if you want to hit titans harder right now, go for Inari, except if you have Joon’s costume, which has a comparable attack stat. Still, I’d go for Joon and accept a few less points on titans.