Next green 5* help

This is mine option. Tell me ideas please. Thanks all

Very nice selection. Could you please tell what you are looking for from a hero? Defensive, offense or perhaps titans & events? More information will help give better advice.


I played mono. I want to fix second team. I believe attak is best. Tarlak for titan 3/70 is ok. Over 100000 damage titan 13 * i hit easy. But lady and August i think is very hood heros. I think noone of this is gamer changer .silvaria is a good hero and grace. Telluria with my freya and piguin i think is ok for minion war. Garjmahall is a very good support hero but hit one.chameleon ;;;;;; and vainamonen i think is a b garnd hero i think. Sure fast heros is important but if you want to win must have and good defence player

Agree that Augustus is a very good hero, and would be my first choice, LotL 2nd.
Good luck


Great green choices. Augustus, Lady of the Lake, and Vainomonen give me the most trouble of those group.

Grace would be best for a kill 3 stack.