I need help deciding which card to level next


I’m a new player and i like this game a lot, and I could use your help, please give me a tip on who to level up next. I want to have many teams for wars and tournaments but I don’t know who to focus next, I have ascension materials for blue, yellow and dark 4 * heroes. Please, can someone tell me if my hero cards are at least decent ? I’m not a big spender, I’m buying VIP pass and some gems here and there. Thank you very much
Have a nice Day


You have a solid beginning roster in general newer heroes are stronger wang y from 3 kingdoms is going to be good i would ascend her. For now focus on building those 3s and 4s and mana control and healing heroes are good plus any def down and elemental down are great for titans and mono especially. Sally has a fun mechanic for a 3*


I’d prioritize your mono/titan teams. So heroes like Guardian Jackal and Sun Shangxiang stand out to me since they’ll set up the rest of your team. Titans are a constant source of loot and these heroes become useful in other aspects such as Challenge Events and towers.


Thank you kindly sir :heart:

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What great heroes you got - welcome to the game :slight_smile:

If I were you I would focus on fast Heroes first. Then Average, then Slow, depending on their Special Skill. Heroes that mana control, have defense down, or attack and defense up, cleansers and dispellers are all great tools to have.

I´d prioritize the heroes that are somewhat sturdy compared to fragile ones (like Muggy. As great as he can be, he needs emblems and what not to not die fast)

That means, for me, I would do these first:

3 :star: heroes

Pixie (mana control), Vodnik (speed), Bauchan (mana control), Isshtak+Costume (defense down), Brienne+Costume (defense down, attack up), Belith (dispeller, healer), Rekhetre (she´s new and fancy and I dont know her but I’m sure she´s great- category!), Helo (healer and cleanser).

4 :star: heroes

Sun Shangxiang (she´s new and fancy and I dont know her but I’m sure she´s great- category!), Kelile + Costume (speed), Cheshire Cat (speed, elemental defense down), Guardian Jackal (elemental defense down), Wang Yuanji (she´s new and fancy and I dont know her but I’m sure she´s great- category!), Chao (speed), Scarlet + Costume (speed).

I wouldn´t level 5 :star: heroes yet :slight_smile:

Once I have levelled those, I would look to my slower heroes, and see which ones would fit well into the category of the weekly tournaments. Preferably those with costume, like Gunnar, Jahangir, Hu Tao.

I might, just might, be a tad worried of your match making in tournaments if you make a few selected heroes very strong with lots of emblems instead of spreading them out a bit. I have found myself very overwhelmed in the past, doing that. Because the system takes your strongest heroes, and then match you versus the opponent with a defense that have the same power as the strongest ones of your collection, I mean.

But that´s just my approach though, and I´m no expert at all, bear that in mind :blush:

I hope you will enjoy the game, have fun :clinking_glasses:


All have very good advice. I have one minor nuance to add that doesn’t change the advice given. I just want to clarify the use of a hero.

Cheshire Car doesn’t have elemental defense down, he drops the D of a specific element. Most people will stack elemental D drop with a normal D drop. In Cheshire Cat’s case the regular D drop, if fired second, would override Cats drop.

For example, if there is a boss stage with 3 enemies. 1 is yellow and two are something else. I fire Cheshire Cat and the yellow bosses D drops 44%. If I then fire a Ramming Pulverizer to drop all the bosses D it would actually make the D of the yellow boss better to only -34% from -44%.

Yes, you could bring both heroes and fire them in reverse of how I mention above. I just wanted to flag that it won’t stack because Cat is still a standard D drop, just color specific.

Still all good advice though, this doesn’t change that. Just an FYI.

Good luck!



Good point, thank you :100:

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I appreciate that you have taken time to help me. Thank you :heart:this is very helpful. It’s so confusing which card to level up next, everytime for me.


It’s only natural, don’t you worry. Learning by doing takes us far :blush: And in time, you might ascend heroes you later regret. But it’s all part of the learning curve, at least for me :slightly_smiling_face:


Others have done a really good job of telling you which cards to prioritize, and so I thought I’d tell you which cards you can permanently bench and maybe even feed away if you’re not a completist
Prisca, Muggy, By-Ulf, An-Windr, Vollermork - you’ve probably outgrown all these already.
Other than that, I’d prioritize Sun Shanxiang and Guardian Jackal above the rest, followed by filling out your 3 star roster: Bauchan, Sally, Rekhetre, Brienne+C, Jahangir+C, Help, Chick Jr., Ulmer, Jarif — you should finish all those before moving on to 4 stars


Make sure you level your troops.

Even a 5* hero can be defeated if you only have level 1 troops.
It’s best if you have 5 of each colour and use the rest as feeders.

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