Help with mono

Hello, everyone.

I need help. I would like to know the opinion of more experienced players about the formation of my mono teams. I will also attach photos to see what characters I have. Imagine that all the characters are fully developed

Thanks to everyone who responded!

Or 1 defens team for war…


As a rule, for mono try to have a: healer, attack up, elemental defense down, regular defense down + other type of support/ specials. Similar advice applies to titans except for the last position which should be dedicated to the hero with the best attack stats in your team.

So, for Fire:

Definitely max and include: Boldtusk, Falcon, Gormek. Elena is also good there as your only maxed 5* + Scarlett or Kelile (if you want a sniper or attack down to three)

For Nature:

Max as soon as possible Almur. He goes well with Buddy, Caedmon, Brynhild and Elradir. And max either Melendor or Ratatoskr to have a heal all for your team. Also you should place Brynhild between Buddy and Elradir since they are average in order to fill their mana quicker.


Rigard, Proteus, Malicna, Tiburtus+ either Ametrine or Domitia according to the mats you have.

Ice: Magni, Grimm, Kiril, Sonya and I’d advise making Lord Loki a priority for levelling as he can copy any special from your enemy.

For war defense the best is to coordinate with your alliance. And update your defense according to the different type of war. For example Elena is not very good in equalizer

Rigard, Maligna, Elena, Eldahir, Magni for defense

You do not have the troop power for mono nor the heroes
You need to prioritize leveling several heroes, I will share the list soon

Thank you guys i will up this heroes and troops. For yhe war we use green color for tank and i use now Bronhild and Elradir but… They kill me very fast and… You know.