Hi, I will soon be able to ascend a new blue 5* hero, and I wanted to know your point of view.
Currently, my blue 5* maxed are Fenrir, Crystalis +20 and Lord Loki +14.
My options are Bobo and Master Lepus (I also own Raffaele and Theobald, but none of them seduce me for the moment, I don’t need another healer and Theobald seems just ok as a tank, maybe).
I think Lepus may be more versatile, but Bobo is a monster against titans and during VF war/tournaments. What would you do ?
That’s a hard one to choose because both of them are really good. And you want to use bobo for raids as well, hits harder than killhare and messes with your enemies. Lepus can perform and not many early gen heroes are able to perform in this meta. Lepus is one of the exceptions.
I vote for bobo then
Max Lepus and he will shine brightly once emblemed. You need a huge damage dealer on offense and is viable on most events.
Bobo, being slow and thus very viable only in rush setups, can be left at 3/70 and is decently usable on that level.
I have the exact same dilemma!! (Or will in a couple of mats time…). Bobo or Lepus.
My main maxed blue is Lord Loki +20. Also have Glenda, cIsarnia, Thorne and Magni+7.
Lepus is probably the “right” choice, as Bobo can work for titans at 3-70.
But… Bobo is new! I might make the “wrong” choice when I get my final mats…
That’s precisely why the choice is not easy. But I think I will go with Lepus, since he is a more “all around” hero. Bobo is indeed usable at 3/70, while Lepus is too squishy and needs a lot of emblems to shine. So my next set of scopes will be for Lepus, I think !
I’m an outlier. As good as the others are I’d do Theobold for the green reflect. Boom bye bye Frigg. You could then work on the ultimate reflect team with Ursena and Mitsuko.
On a (only slightly more serious note) yeah probably Lepus. The bunny kills.
The only problem with Theobald is he is slow, and Frigg is fast. If he was average, maybe he could have been used for this purpose, but right now… I’m not sure. In all cases he is the third in the queue for scopes, after Lepus and Bobo (unless I pull Morel or Russula).