Next Blue and Green 5* to work on

Right now I got almost 2k druid emblems, around 600 wizard, and 1k+ barbarian. No extra emblems for other classes, I already got other heroes to work with atm.

My blue choices are
1 Glenda
2 Misandra
3 Rafaele

Got a decent amount of heroes for each color maxed, some good some sits for long.
Maxed blues are
1 Perseus
2 Ageir
3 c.Magni
4 c.Isarnia
5 Fenrir
6 King Arthur
7 Vela
8 Miki
9 Alice
10 Ariel
11 Finley
12 Frosth
13 Krampus

Green choices are
1 Elradir
2 Garjammal
3 Kadilen(no cos)

Maxed green
1 Elkanen
2 Alberich
3 c.Lianna
4 Mother North
5 MorganLefay
6 Hatter
7 Atomos
8 Kingston
9 Margaret
10 Gregorion
11 Evelyn
12 Telluria

Still trying to make up my mind for the next blue/green here. Thanks for your time!

With that depth of heroes, you really only need to consider whether they can be (1) fun to play with or (2) good on defense or (3) have sufficient emblems to optimize the hero. Glenda might work well with your Krampus both on offense and defense. The rest are meh.

Glenda the strengthen the other heroes. Green go with Gargamel. Yeah, that’s from the smurfs but I can’t spell the actual green one.

Great roster!!

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