Next 5* Purple to Level: Seshat (2nd) OR Killhare?

But what if you get Alfrike?

Still Killhare for me.

Average speed & works in with purple elemental down & defence down to all vs. very slow and MIGHT hit the people you want…

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But Killhare just swings her sword and that is boring. However Alfrike throws friggin (unrelated to Frigg) tesseracts at enemies and that is awesome. Enemies getting confused and their HP being decreased by getting hit in the head by a cube. So much fun!


Maybe but I like speed and known functions… I don’t like very slow nor random

Heh, I understand. Killhare is like Boring but Practical, like Magni.

Alfrike is slow as hell, but it looks like when she fires you may as well reset, especially if your dispeller gets hit.

This is just me but I like gimmicky heroes like Norns or Sif. Not the most efficient but fun to play, for me at least. Having Magni, Lianna or the like who are just pure damage is nice too though.

Gimmicky is nice but doesn’t necessarily help :stuck_out_tongue:

I think Norns is very powerful on offence & Sif particularly handy against DoA5 or when you have a taunt hero.

Alfrike is also good… But she just doesn’t suit my play style… I play fast & hard kinda thing. So Alfrike doesn’t fit that model… But Killhare does

Sorry, havent read it all, but who is Alfrike? :thinking:

A 5* S3 hero who should (hopefully) appear in portal this Thursday. She is very slow and her attack is random but very dangerous potentially. More info below (she is completely at the bottom):

:test_tube: Early Information on Season 3 Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat V26 & V27]