Hi! I’ve been playing for a month and a half or so. I’ve had some good luck with draws, I think, and I’ve reached the point of several options and would like some advice - both on leveling and on team composition, please.
I need all the resources I can get, so I’m not necessarily targeting a specific event/tourney/war focus. I’m still trying to establish a baseline to evolve later.
I don’t have the necessary mats to take a 4* to the final tier & my 5* might only make it 1 ascension each at best for the moment.
I’ve tried both on-color 5-at-a-time leveling & all-color 1-at-a-time. I get impatient but don’t want to spend a lot of feeders to max skill. I think I’m gravitating towards on-color until the skill is high enough to be guaranteed max with the final ascension, then switching to all-colors to rush a hero as high as I can.
I’ve got a bunch of start-and-stops, so my bench is a bit of a mess. Was startung to clean that up, but recent draws make me wonder if i should leave them.
My thoughts on who to level next:
Dark - Proteus or cRigard or maybe (distant 3rd) Chakko
Holy - Mist (just drew her tonight) but Kvasir is tempting - love those bees! Griffin was my focus & he’s starting to show some promise as well
Ice - probably Grimm or maybe Sonya #1?
Nature - I’m leaning Zocc. Kashhrek is proving a good tank, but so far i don’t use his heal-3 as often as my other healers, so he sits charged & waiting. Grevle is tempting too, but I’m feeling like I’m probably better focusing on 4*/5* first
Fire - I was starting Rokkamush just to have a 4* red, but his 50% miss chance leaves me unenthused. Kelile was a draw tonight too. Maybe she’d be a better choice? Vollermork is tempting, but again 3*.
I would try to max a rainbow 3* team first. From those you have I recommend to choose at least two healers (my favourites are Costume Hawkmoon and Grevle), Kvasir/ Melia/ Bane, Tyrum/ Costume Renfeld, Nordri/ Valen/ Gunnar. Make sure to have at least two hitters in the team you choose in the end. Right now you seem to have a good mix of support heroes for your 3* rather than heavy hitters.
Next, 4*: Rigard is a definite must. I only got him after 2-3 months of play and I immediatly felt an upgrade in my game-play and he’s still a staple in my raids (I’ve been playing for 9 months). Proteus, Tiburtus and Sabina are next choices. Proteus will help a lot with events, but I had to learn to work without him because I only pulled him a couple of months ago.
Kashrek can be a good tank at this level. Caedmon is a next possible choice - very good 4* sniper, I still use him quite a bit. Melendor is a good healer, but very squishy without the costume.
For Holy - Mist is great. Wu Kong is also a must for titans and you can use him well also during regular game play, but can be frustrating because of the misses and you need to get used to play with him (for example to fire your other specials before him).
Kelile is your best choice for Fire. She is a good sniper, albeit squishy, so you should try to emblem her. Rokkamush is quite disappointing in my experience.
For Ice, Kiril is also a good support hero, but squishy. Grimm is a heavy attacker, but also squishy. Sonya is sturdy but her attack is not very good if don’t emblem her.
Personally, I would start working on your 3* team so you can at least complete the rare and possibly epic challenges. For the amount of resources required to completely ascend a 4*, assuming you had the materials, you could probably complete a pair of 3*.
The good part is you actually have some good 3* to work with.
Purple- Tyrum with costume, you aren’t going to find many 2 in 1 dispellers, cleansers, then cRenfeld with his mana drain
Yellow-Kvasir with his fast bees, and then Melia with her critical bonus
Blue-Nordri is going to work well for a while with his elemental def down
Green-Grevle, can be a good starting healer with his overhead
Red- Azar is a good one for mana control
But if you are going to disregard and jump to 4*, and I assume you don’t have final ascension mats
Purple-Rigard for healing, then Proteus for mana stop
Yellow-finish Chao and then Mist
Blue-Sonya and then Grimm
Green-finish Kashhrek, then Melandor, or if you need more attackers, Caedmon
That will probably occupy you for a while depending on your resources.
The best advice I ever got as a newbie was to max out 3 x 3* rainbow teams and then 4 x 4* rainbow teams before you do anything with your 5*.
Those teams will then get you the mats to continue levelling heroes in your roster.
Feed your 4* ten at a time. Personally I don’t have a problem getting them to 8/8 with their special skill by doing that.
Feeding 3* can be hit and miss to max out special skill by the time the hero gets to 3/50. But feed ten at a time and focus on the same colour.
Good luck
As the posters before me already said, forget about your 5* for the next few weeks/months. It won’t do you any good waisting feeders and time in one or two 5* heroes for the coming weeks which in the end you can’t ascend because you are missing mats and you won’t get mats because you can’t finish those Quests without heroes.
Priority should have at least a few rainbow teams of 3* heroes. With those you can pretty much enter every part of the game.
You need 30 heroes for War, if you start with 4* or even 5* you will be able to play war halfway decent in probably a year or longer from now. With 3* you can at least kill some already wounded teams pretty regular in a few weeks.
With 3* heroes you can enter all kind of tournaments which will give you more loot.
With 3* you can finish events at rare and try epic and legendary giving you more loot. With one or two 5* heroes you can’t do nothing, you won’t finish legendary and you can’t enter rare.
3* you should do were already mentioned, I probably won’t repeat that.
What I haven’t seen mentioned is brienne, I don’t know how big your titans are, but brienne works absolute great in every Titan team at least till 7/8 * (you can use her even higher, we have players in our alliance using 3* heroes with 12* titans but that gets items expensive)
I would recommend doing at least 20 3*, ideal would be 30 so that you can play war really useful, and you will use them pretty much for ever in other aspects of the game so it’s not waisted doing 3*.
After that when you start getting the mats for 4* you should lvl some teams of them before you start working on your 5*.
There were also a lot mentioned and although I agree that rigard is great I would do proteus before.
The reason is pretty simple, a good 3* team (grevel, kvasir, moon hawk for survivability and some damage dealer or def down or something like that) +proteus allows you to finish pretty much every quest and probably even most events at least at epic difficulty.
The same can’t be said about rigard.
And you want to finish those Quests as early as possible to start getting mats as soon as you can.
Proteus is probably the only hero I would also already lvl before some dark 3* heroes at least as far as you can. He will make pretty much everything far easier.
Thank you all! I’ll spend my time & feeders on 3* to build up those teams. For my existing 3/60 4* heroes, based on where Jahangir ended up power-wise, Kiril, Tiburtus, Kashhrek, Griffin, Wu Kong & Zocc look to be comparable to or higher than a maxed 3* in power already. Should I weave them in to the 3* teams, particularly at first, or am I better off just leaving them as a standalone team to be revisited when i come back to 4*? Either way, I won’t be feeding them while I work on the 3s.
As a F2P, I would say use whatever heroes you have available, and if they make sense. If you’re talking about war teams, you can always keep your 4* as an “A” team if you think the team composition makes sense. If not, you can spread them out to balance out your war teams so you have 6 decent teams vs, 1 really good team, and 5 kind of mediocre teams.
Edit: @ferg said, I wouldn’t level them up any more. BTW fan of Wing Commander? Just wondering judging by your name.
Stats wise they may be similar. But you still need more time/feeders to bring a 4* to 3.60 than max a 3*.
And further you can’t use those 4* heroes in 3* restriction things, where on the same time you can use max 3* heroes without problem in epic events/tournaments.
So I would definitely start with 3* heroes to lvl.
Using them for example in war you can just mix those 3*/4*/5* heroes. I’m still using 4* and 5* mix teams in wars with somewhat over 40 maxed 5* heroes.
I definitely won’t be spending more resources on 4* right now - just using the ones I’ve already got to 3.60 or thereabouts.
I don’t want to use them as a crutch while I wait for the 3* to be ready. Instead, I want to balance learning new heroes & team building with taking advantage of what I’ve already built (even if it wasn’t the best path to start down). My 4* / 5* team isn’t great in war or titans yet, but it can sail through common & uncommon quests, and got me through all but the last level of Frostmarch. Distributing through war teams & gap filling makes sense.
Also, even if you have a great pull, do finish ascending the one you were working on before going to a new one. Even average fully ascended heroes is useful. A half ascend heroes is useless and trust me you’ll always have another hero to prioritize before going back to it.
Last thing, I prefer to feed same color to ascending heroes because you get a little more points out of them like that. This is a long game, so no need to rush.
I’ve been running same-color feeding for 5 3*s (cHawkmoon, Kvasir, Grevle, Nordri, and cRenfeld) now & so far it’s going great! That team seems to work together pretty well - easily can clear 8-7 on autoplay and sometimes can do 13-4 on auto too. Tracking to have them leveled up by the end of the weekend & hopefully sooner. I’m also finding that cleaning up some of the partial leveling is helping reduce the mental complexity surrounding keeping track of all my heroes.
Definitely going to get 3 full teams leveled. Might go further before shifting back to 4*, depending on where i am with base upgrades at that point.
Thanks! I’ve got 3 running at TC11 right now. Research is done up to that point because I had a period with too much food. Undecided if I will take 1 or more TC to 13 before I get stronghold to 20 - I need feeders for 3* right now, not additional higher level heroes. Either way, I won’t be spending much time on the other intermediate levels until i run out of infrastructure projects!
Thanks! I’m finding it pretty useful. Looking forward to using it for team planning once i get more heroes ready. Wish i could get more alliance members on it!
Personally I did only one to 13 its lot of recuits and ham for somthing you WILL get alot of in the future… The extra feeders from the tc11 will benfit you more.
Totally up to you though… Here a thread with some good training camp links.
It’s been a couple months. At just over 100 days of playing now, I wanted to come back to this thread and thank everyone again for the advice! Thank you!
I finished the 3 teams of 3* (well, at least enough heroes to make 3 teams - still growing in having teams gel more in my mind as more than just a collection of 5 individual heroes). Working on 4*s now. I was able to get a top 5k finish on Slayers rare, so I’m pretty happy with how my 3*s are coming along. A bunch more I want to level still, but I’m raiding in upper gold now and even limit broken/+20 3*s are getting overwhelmed, so will probably (mostly) stay on 4*s for a while to shore up there.
When I posted this thread originally, I was feeling like I was building on a shaky foundation. I’m feeling much more stable now - not where I want to be yet, but capable to continue growing to get there. Thank you again, everyone!