New Monkey King costume discussion!

Please advise: Will the new monkey king hit better than the old one and cause more damage?


  • New Monkey King
  • Old one
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New monkey barely beats out old monkey.

Old: 185 * (1-.32) = 125.8% on average
New: 170 * (1-.25) = 127.5% on average

New will overall add 1.7% more damage. Yay!


Thank you for doing the math. One thing the math doesn’t include is hitting your status ailments more from the lower damage. I guess it doesn’t also account for the mental health benefit of fewer misses.


I think the stats can be adjusted equally so that they are in strength. And then it will be ideal, as it were, but without taking into account the fact that he is a monk, this is protection from illnesses

Should be named Poo Kong.

That dude sucks.


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Well, another word for donkey …