Hey all!
Costume Chamber has been especially brutal to me in 2021 … perhaps stingy is the better word … anyway, I did manage to get Colen’s costume and Wu Kong’s costume.
In my normal roster both of these heroes did not see use so I wasn’t too excited.
In Colen’s case he was one of the last 4’s I got and already had Azlar maxed. He didn’t offer anything new to what I already had so I never tinkered that much.
Wu Kong was my titan A booster until about 1.5 +/- years ago when I managed Ranvir from ToL. He doesn’t fit my playstyle for PvE or PvP so he was reset from +20 and has sat that way since. I needed monk emblems elsewhere.
Given my general lack of summon luck in 2021 I was out of projects, got around to leveling these and am beginning to tinker. I have been pleasantly surprised with both and am wondering what others think. As a general background I am a F2P who raids in diamond and has a pretty advanced roster in terms of 4’s, 5’s, emblems, etc. due mostly to having played over 3 years rather than anything special or great I have done individually.
Colen’s shortened burn damage is great IMO, I enjoy the short pay off period for max damage. His paladin class helps him survive too. Now with a mana troop and costume bonus he can really be sped up well. These factors put him past maxed Azlar with no costume or emblems for me. He has been killing it in quests and events for me and has even snuck into raids occasionally even though he is only +1 currently. I am almost done with Magni’s 20th node and then need a fighter project. Between him and Elena I am leaning towards Colen via the costume path. Still not as big a fan of base version … maybe that in my head and they’re not that different?
Wu Kong has also been good so far, but testing has been limited as I just got him last chamber. He really fills a role though in yellow, especially vanilla yellow. Yellow has so much emphasis on mana (Leo, Chao, Li). There is, of course Joon to snipe and Viv to heal too. The AoE’s they have (Hu and Justice) are there more for blind than meaningful damage. This is especially true of Hu. After Justice’s buffs and the emblems I have put on her, her damage has been raised above “wet noodle” status to something more akin to “yes, that did happen … they were injured”. They are also both slow mana.
I have managed some special yellows like Gretel (again, mana), Guillinbursti (heal … but sort of AoE?), Danzaburo (… has a good AoE option, but is unreliable to put it kindly although I do like him), and Jackal (call him a sniper I guess).
Wu’s costume shows a lot of promise so far in just being a non-slow mana AoE hero with solid damage. This, IMO, has been lacking from the color and has a lot of potential in PvE. I am somewhat reluctant to throw him in diamond raids currently with no emblems, but perhaps situationally? He came along this ToL and I can easily see him in later war teams if conditions are right. His downside of dropping his own D is somewhat negated by my yellow healers in Viv’s D boost or Gullinbursti’s overheal. He is a strong potential candidate for emblems when I am done with Leo.
Anyways, apologies for being long winded. I was just pleasantly surprised to potentially have new (any?) life to these unused 4’s. It was unexpected given the power creep of the game in general and I am still determining if this is over optimism after getting surprising early results or if people are using these heroes in their costume form and having lots of success. Eager to hear and see some of the emblemed up versions people may have to see where the stats can go.
Good luck out there!
‘Til next time.