Joon or costume Wu Kong

Hi all, I have recently retrained a 5* in the HA acedemy and pulled Joon, and today I pulled Wu Kong (I already had a costume) in a free epic pull. I have enough items to maximise both, including nearly 800 emblems. I am weak on holy heroes and would like some advice on which to upgrade first. They both look good to me. I am a F2P so my only other 5* holy is Justice, of which I have two maxed, one with full emblems.

Wu-kong first for the Titan hits. And his costume isn’t bad for other purposes. Other reasons; easier materials to get for ascension, less feeders and much quicker to max then a 5*. I had wu-kong at 3-60 for the longest time and that was enough as the titans I was facing were not that strong.

From your post it sounds like this might be your second wu-kong? If so I’d move on to joon

It may have been my second Wu Kong. I probably fed him a while ago without realising how good he is. Thanks for the tip.