after pulling two new 5* heroes out of TC20 I’m in a quite a nice struggle. What would you do?
Here is my roster:
Ares +7 → Main Tank in defense, most offense, most Titans
Wilbur +11 → He is absolutely with every Titan, even with red reflect
Boldtusk +18 → nice addition…
Elena 3/70 → I was planning of maxing her after Christmas, if I would have gotten no Santa
Colen 4/21 → My current project, want to max
Kelile/Lancelot: On the bench. Not sure, what to do
AZLAR 1/1: My newest catch from TC20. I’m really not sure, if I should level him over Elena.
My dilemma here is: Not sure if Azlar or Elena is more worth ascending. Azlars Problem is, that I want my Barbarian Emblems for Miki. But: I have not enough scopes for him, could be a while. Elena could get emblems right away. Both are beastly, when firing. I think, Azlar would hit harder and would be better in defense in general. Elena would be a beast for Titans.
I’ve got exactly 6 rings, the next Ascension for red will be soonest in 6 months. What to do?
King Arthus +4 → in defense, offense. Good guy!
Grimm +19 → you know him, you love him
Miki 3/70 → my best Titan buddy. Would love to give him scopes, really like him
Sonya/Kiril: are okay
Cpt. of Diamonds. Not sure, if to level at all…
Triton: actual blue project, afterwards maybe a Kiril-dupe
Jack +18 → I really like him, hits like a truck with 870 Attack
Caedmon +18 → good hero. Nothing special
Horghall 3/70: If I dont get Mother North I have to level him. I need a green hero with high stats. Yeah, I know it’s Horghall. I know it sucks, but I have to do something
Horghall 2x 1/1: RNG-gods at TC20 hate me
LJ 4/44: actual project, will finish him
Melendor: quite new, will be next Project before Horghall
I ran out of projects here. I have 13 darts and no 5*.
With Domitia on her way to max, I’m not sure if I should reset the badger. Then he will be completely useless… Nothing to see here.
By far my best color:
Seshat +3 → On of my all-time favorites
Proteus +19 ->King of everything
Rigard +18
Sabina +13
Domitia 4/27 → actual project
Tiburtus 3/47: Was stopped after getting my sixth Tabard
Cyprian max
Proteus/Ameonna/Rigard on the bench
Obakan/Quintus: Also both out of TC20. Wont give them any attention soon
My actual defense-Team is: Caedmon - Seshat - Ares - Arthus - Rigard
My actual problems are the lack of yellow heroes at all. With red, I’m not sure, if to level Azlar over Elena or maxing non of them at all. As a C2P I really would say, I have to level one of them. Which would give more use for my roster? Both are high-attack, AOE, slow hitters.
Green is also clear, as is blue. With purple the road is clear: Domitia → Proteus-dupe → Tibs ->Ameonna
What would you advice me? Tipps for my defense? Tipps for Leveling?
Please help!
Seems you have some ideas yourself so I’ll give a short sweet version:
Red: Elena. Both are slow and both have their use. Elena gets a run every green titan for me cause of her massive attack stat. My azlar is still at 1-1. I’d even lean towards her over Santa in most situations (basically anything but a tank for defence)
Blue: Miki is entirely usable at 3-70… All you gain by maxing him is longevity and survival… Which unless you’re facing 12*+ titans again isn’t an issue. Mine is at 3-70 and I hammer away at 12* titans without any issues, usually in A-A+ ranking. My advice is use the scopes on someone who’ll you’ll get more use out of than just titans (e.g. Magni etc…)
Green: don’t do it… Don’t you give tonics to horghall for God’s sake!!! If nothing comes up in like 4 months maybe consider it again but don’t for the love of God give him tonics unless you got a second set ready to go for someone useful… Mel is a good one to work on tho.
Yellow: ok
Purple: obakan ks actually quite handy in offence
… not stellar but still good… Plus is 5* so is automatically better than (most) maxed 4* without emblems.
Ameonna has good tile damage so is something to consider for titans. A second Proteus probably won’t get too much of a workout except in wars and I guess raiding but…
Surprising, really. I would have thought to get only votes for Azlar over Elena. I won’t use Elena as a tank, I think in most situations Ares will be better. So I finish Colen first and start then my next 5*. Elena or Azlar, actually more towards Elena
My alliance mostly fights 11* Titans and since I’ve got Miki, I’m pretty solid. Especially shining with red Titans, considering Arthus and Grimm. I don’t have enough scopes and no other Blue 5*. So there is no actual problem right now. Until I either got scopes or another 5*, I will work on Triton then probably a 2nd Kiril.
I pulled Horghall in my first week, playing for 11 months now. Later I realized, how much “luck” that means. Now, with having 11 tonics I’m really sooooo close of giving them to him. Being so desperate to do that even though I know, how bad he is.
But with which hero I could swap Obakan? My Main offense team is a 4-1 purple-stack with Rigard-Proteus-Ares-Seshat-Sabina. With Domitia on her way to max, I could swap out Sabina or Ares.
But Obakan? In trade for which hero? Without emblems?
I really dont know!
2nd Proteus really only is good for a second attack in AW. Ameonna really would be only for Titans.
I thought of maxing Tibs, but not sure anymore. With yellow Titans I normally would prefer Wilbur+11 (or more) over Tibs+0.
P.s.: I really don’t like short threads with “Max Elena or Azlar?” or “Domitia over Obakan?”. But I see, that here is little information in lots of text. Will try to write less starting now
My alliance mostly uses purple or yellow tanks. At the moment I’m using danzaburo, flanked by seshat and Rigard.
If I reset Danzaburo for Domitia, I have a purple tank with her, but I have no yellow flanks and especially no yellow tank.
Today, only four days after my last 5* out of TC20, finally after 11 months of waiting, my first yellow 5 star popped out of my Training Camp:
It’s Justice.
So my yellow tank problems are over. Justice, flanked with Seshat and Proteus+20 or Domitia +6 will be a nightmare.
Unfortunately Ares AND King Arthus also are paladins. I’m not sure, if I should reset Ares and swap him out as a tank.
What better defense team could I create with Justice? Maybe even her as a tank?
I could think of:
Domitia - Elena - Justice - Seshat - King Arthus
What you think about that?