New! All Updated Hero Rosters (including costumed heroes, trainer heroes and family bonuses)

A couple more for you:
Lepiota - Leader of Eloi
Dr. Moreau - Devious Scientist

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Thank you, I will correct it.

I think I have the last of them:
Lepiota - Leader of the Eloi (left out ā€œtheā€ on last post)
Prof. Lidenbrock - Sagacious Scientist

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Frosth = Winter Bringer


Yang Mai = Fist of the Sun

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Sorry, just came across these and was wondering why are there multiple 1s under a same colour for the first few tables? Are they classified by seasons or something? New to playing so was hoping to find a list of season 1 heroes but i canā€™t seem to find any discussions on themā€¦

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The heroes are sorted by element (fire, ice, nature, dark & holy) and then by number of stars. For specifically Season 1 heroes, you can look at the table with the costumes for the names, since currently only S1 heroes have costumes and all of them have their costumes released now. With the names, refer to the main tables for the details of the uncostumed heroes.

@Pois1 , would it be possible to add a symbol or something for HotMs in the tables? S1s would then be the only ones without a symbol.


Hi Karen,
it would be possible but there are three reasons I wonā€™t do it:

a) I have an extra HotM table and every HotM is listed as a HotM in the last column of every table.
b) The game itself does not assign any icon to a HotM and I do not like to create a fake one.
c) Nobody ever wanted that and it is not needed at all in my opinion.

But I give you this:
if 10 people will post a comment here, voting for this ā€œfakeā€ HotM icon to be added, I will do it.
In this case I will also leave the appearance of the icon to the public. You can put the icon in the comment.
The last column says ā€œregular (trainable)ā€ which means Season 1.

And btw, thank you for answering bamboosymphony because I had no idea what they were talking about :-)))

The Heroes are listed in alphabetical order by rarity and element.
Sorry, could not do it any better than using alphabet, stars and colours.

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No problem! Thanks for doing up all the charts! Will just follow Karenā€™s suggestion :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m not voting for an icon, but Iā€™ve got a suggestion for one. Given the number of moans recently that HOTM are not what they used to be, :poop: might be appropriate. (Not that I think they are, personally.)

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Saw new card of Russula and her title = Eloi Rogue, not Master of Shadows

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lolā€¦been there. I know the feeling.

Elradir = Wild Wizard of Lunar Woods

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Thatā€™s his title huh? Makes he think he has some relation with elkanen and kadilen

What I have for Starfall Circus so far:
Bobo = Yeti with the Warmest Heart
Candy = Mirthful Merrymaker
Director Zuri = Master of Circus
Emilio = The Great Phoenix Trainer
Faline = Amazing Acrobat
Marcel = Most Mischevious Mime (yes it is misspelled on the card)
Whacker = Wacky Walloper
A couple of these were translated from Spanish so they may change a little when I see the English card but itā€™s the best I have so far.

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Got a few more to report:
Faline is Astonishing Acrobat, not Amazing Acrobat
Dā€™Andre = Sure-Handed Juggler
Eichbelborg = Boastful Bodybuilder
Theobald = Knife-Throwing Miracle Bear
Eiora & Fluffy = still waiting to hear

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Eiora and Fluffy - Dynamic Duo


This is great help! Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together. it is appreciated for sure!

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Hannah = Adventurous Archaeologist
Morel = Eloi Hunter
Rana Costume = Surfer Queen
Yunan Costume = King of Lifeguards
Devana = Headstrong Huntress
Salmon Loki = Trickster Fish
Aouda = Princess with a Big Heart (translated from French - princess au grand coeur) might be different when I finally see the English card
Aouda = Kind-hearted Princess (from the card in English)
Chakkoszrot - Lizardfolk High Priest
Maeve = The Unseen
Noril = The Fierce
Aodhan = The Burning
Cillian = The Undying
Orla = The Worthy
Caitlin = The Enlightened
Cathal = The Bravehearted
Rian = The Steadfast
Saoirse = The Untamable
Senan = The Accursed
Captain Nemo = Enigmatic Explorer
Alexandrine = Shield Against Injustice
Xnolphod = Octopod Sorcerer
Zenobia = Myriapod Queen

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