New! All Updated Hero Rosters (including costumed heroes, trainer heroes and family bonuses)

This list is getting Massive. Anyway of getting this into a sortable Google Sheets file now? Just wish there was something out there as good and as current as your work. Time to setup a gofundme page for your efforts. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Will this list be further updated?

Anyone knows what happened to @Pois1 ? This list has not been updated since may

I was going to ask the same question. Is this another excellent resource that has been abandoned? Too many others like Playing to Win and Hero Grades have not been maintained for some time now and I’d hate to see this one fall by the wayside, too. UPDATE - Just checked and it appears the grading table has been updated to include all the newest heroes. There isn’t much data listed yet but it is encouraging to see the table showing their presence now when before it had not been updated in months. UPDATE2 - The 5 and 4 stars have been added but the 3 stars are still incomplete. It’s a work in progress so any forward motion is a good sign.
UPDATE 7/22/2021 - There is another site, that is being kept up to date, but requires translation services at the bottom of the page and some of the translations are pretty suspect to English. It looks to be in Spanish as the native language and uses Google Translate.


The real question is why SG doesn’t make this for us via an online and on game encyclopedia.

I’m curious about the psychology of using content creators to generate hype versus providing the info yourself.


SG does not want us to take our eyes or attention off the actual game, even if it means just looking up hero stats. If we keep going to the game then we might, just might, spend some money.

I do not play any more, but I keep HeroPlan | All Heroes updated with the heroes as they come in.

No Hero Grades
 I think those are too subjective (especially now that I really don’t play)


Thanks a lot! I hope you can do that, but I am afraid the motivation is diminishing by the day when you yourself do not play

Whatever, I am grateful for what you are doing!


I have a stupid question - where do you get the little pictures you use? There is a wiki I contribute to where those face close-ups are used and I have no idea where those are found. Thanks!


Hah I still have some incentive to keep it running. :slight_smile:

I originally relied on those Wiki images, but sometimes they took a long time to be uploaded. A while ago I set up some image templates to use for heroes. I basically grab a screen capture of the image, dump it into the template, do some colorization on any backgrounds, and use those images.

Thanks, I thought maybe there was somewhere within the game or there was a repository somewhere that one could just download them like a screenshot off a phone or tablet.
I didn’t realize they had to be manufactured.

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I finally found where those pictures are in the game. After the hero is fully leveled up and can access the Talent Grid for Emblems, in the upper left hand corner where you add emblems is where those graphics come from. That’s why it takes so long for the wiki to get them since you can only access them after the hero is maxed out.


Thank you @djp1997, please continue posting Hero titles for me, it is very helpful.


Yes indeed I will do so, glad you are back. I love your content here!


Great teamwork you two! We all appreciate it.


@Pois1 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! :kissing_cat:


Starting a new list as all the others have been added
Xnolphod = Octopod Sorcerer
Zenobia = Myriapod Queen

Dolgoon = Erudite Librarian
Kornel = Veteran Caretaker
Anastasia = Apprentice Summoner
Anton = Young Scholar
Sergei = Student of the Arcane
Agrafena = Superintendent Supreme
Cristobal = Charms Professor
Milena = Teacher of the Arcane Arts
Motega = Master Groundskeeper
Nadezhda = Tower Headmaster

Russell = Raging Pyromancer

Frank Costume = The Mobster
Francine Costume = The Mobstress
Vanda Costume = Queen of Crime
Victor Costume = King of Crime

Octros = Octopod Champion

Aderyn = Medic of the Castle
Bertulf = Chef of the Castle
Ferant = Warden of the Castle
Wren = Scout of the Castle
Esme = Archmage of the Castle
Ludwig = Defender of the Castle
Quenell = Champion of the Castle
Wolfgang = Commander of the Castle

Seshat Costume = High Revenant Archer
Gravemaker Costume = Burning Avenger
Alberich Costume = Everoak Knight

Balbar = Botanist Hermit

Lughaidh = King of the Depths

Quartz = Ninja of Quiet Graves
Ruby = The Red Oni Ninja
Zircon = Ninja of Silent Waves

Ariel Costume = Enchanter of Atlantis
Kageburado Costume = Beetle Samurai
Poseidon Costume = Slayer of Atlantis
Ursena Costume = Deadly Reef Queen

Gaillard = Astute Gargoyle
Peñolite = Relentless Gargoyle

Mr. Pengi = Captain of Santa’s Guards
Krampus Costume = Holiday Prankster
Mother North Costume = Holiday Sweater Enthusiast
Santa Claus Costume = Hard Rock Santa

Hanitra = Lemurian Goddess

Passepartout = Clever Voyager
Zekena = Myriapod Prince

Treevil = Evil of Avalon
Sally = Mascot of Corellia
Guardian Lemur = Mender of Teltoc
Gnomer = Sentry of Grimforest
Phoenicus = Intellect of Wonderland
Snow White Costume = Slayer White
Lady of the Lake Costume = Lady of Blades
Jabberwock Costume = Jabbermoth

Athena Costume = Goddess of War
Drake Fong Costume = Serene Fighter
Alasie Costume = Iceberg Champion
Exeera = Octopod Priest
Viscaro = Corrupted Druid

Eloise = Enchanter of the Castle
Franz = Protector of the Castle
Lewena = Marksman of the Castle
Quintin = Stalker of the Castle
Rayne = Captain of the Castle
Congalach = Warrior of the Depths

Iris = Expert Dispeller
Peridot = Ninja of Deadly Toxins
Topaz = Ninja of Perfect Precision
Marie-ThérÚse Costume = Soul-Stealing Priestess
White Rabbit Costume = Mask of Madness
Kravekrush = Ettin Commander
Zagrog = Lone Rogue

Lu Bu = Wrathful Warlord
Diaochan = Brilliant Beauty
Cao Cao = Warlord of Wei*
Zhuge Liang = Master Strategist
Zhang Fei = Merciless General
Sun Quan = Warlord of Wu*
Liu Bei = Warlord of Shu*
Guan Yu = Valiant General
Wang Yuanji = Gentle Noblewoman
Zhou Yu = Young Commander
Xiahou Dun = One-Eyed Commander
Sun Shangxiang = Noble Battler
Yao = Wei Footsoldier
Jing = Shu Footsoldier
Li = Wu Footsoldier

  • titles are correct 5/23/2022

Jack O’Hare Costume = Egg Hunter of Springvale
Killhare Costume = Ultimate Farmer
Master Lepus Costume = Rift Breaker
Hulda = Head of the Moles
Silvaria = Forest God

Finley Costume = Bleak Commodore
Guardian Kong Costume = Conqueror Kong

El Naddaha = Siren of the Nile
(Khafre) now Khufu = Acute Androsphinx
Khonshu = God of the Moon
Papyros = Golem of Paper and Sand
Sobek = God of the Nile
Ahhotep = Mummy Warrior
Azmia = Tough-as-Nails Tavern Keeper
Junaid = Sworn Soldier
Ptolemy = Elder Pharaoh
Scoratek = Scarab Guard
Aqeela = Street-Smart Urchin
Jarif = Stressed-Out Scribe
Faiez = Fortuitous Farmer
Rekhetre = Young Sphinx
Waqas = Pharaoh’s Shield
Kara = Hallowed Defender

Inari Costume = White Kitsune Spirit
Ameonna Costume = Lonesome Yurei
Gadeirus Costume = Atlantean Sentinel
Wilbur Costume = Sake Master
Melia Costume = Emissary of Atlantis
Mnesseus Costume = Lieutenant of Atlantis

Arco = Resolute Gargoyle
El Duque = Exalted Gargoyle
Goseck = Insidious Gargoyle
Bellerive = Wicked Gargoyle
KalÇż = Aberrant Gargoyle
BudatĂ­n = Vicious Gargoyle
Soroca = Furious Gargoyle
Gaillard = Astute Gargoyle (from above)
Peñolite = Relentless Gargoyle (from above)

Roc Costume = Protector of the Beach
Horus = God of the Hunt
Liu Bei = Warlord of Shu (from above)
Tethys = Goddess of all Rivers
Arfanias = Shadow Assassin
Hypnos = Master of Sleep
Nyx = Mother Night
Khepri = Scarab God

Black Knight Costume = Negative Knight
Rumpelstiltskin Costume = Eternal Trickster
Guardian Panther Costume = Fierce Panther

Aino = Summer Maiden
Iku-Turso = Beast of the Depths
Ilmarinen = Expert Blacksmith
Kullervo = Vengeful Son
Louhi = Witch of the North
VÀinÀmöinen = Eternal Bard
LemminkÀinen = Undying Champion
Mielikki = Spirit of the Forest
Joukahainen = Ferocious Hunter
Para = Household Familiar

Oceanus = Titan of the Sea
Klaern = Rime Sorcerer
Skadi Costume = Guardian of Jotunheim
Gullinbursti Costume = Unchained Boar
Sumle Costume = Unhallowed Fire Giant
Bjorn Costume = Brave Soldier
Kvasir Costume = Bee Captain of Alfheim

Bennu = Spirit of Creation
Cao Cao = Warlord of Wei (from above)

Tahir = Nomadic Hunter
Freya Costume = Witch of the Fallen
Bastet = Eye of the Moon

Narsica = Bard of Glamour
Phenexa = Bard of Whispers
Rhys = Bard of Valor
Winifred = Bard of Creation
Zhabog = Bard of Eloquence

Cleaver = Hunting Chieftain
Malin = Titanbone Warrior
Maheegan = Wolf Tracker
Dawn = Hunter Minstrel
Sif Costume = Golden Deity

Grace = Grove Cervitaur
Sekhmet = Eye of the Sun

Elkanen Costume 2 = Moonlit King
Isarnia Costume 2 = Ruler of Glaceholm
Khagan Costume 2 = Chief of Leopards
Obakan Costume 2 = Praetorian Vampire
Vivica Costume 2 = Scribe Supreme
Kelile Costume 2 = Sorceress of Dragonia
Hohenwerf = Ferocious Gargoyle
Sun Quan = Warlord of Wu*
Adalinda = Princess of the Hunt
Hawthorn = Hunter Journeyman

Erebus = God of Deep Darkness
Nemesis = Goddess of Divine Retribution
Arges = Potion Merchant Cyclops
Brontes = Farmer Cyclops
Steropes = Artist Cyclops
Dante = Adventurer of the Underworld
Virgil = Guide to the Underworld
Hypnos = Master of Sleep (from above)
Nyx = Mother Night (from above)

Gefjon Costume = Goddess of the Wild
Ma’at = Lady of Harmony
Set = Dark Usurper
Celidana = Leader of the Sacred Clergy
Alucard = Vampire Scion
Ana-Belle = Charlady of Morlovia
Goopy = Gelatinous Goo
Matilda = Unhallowed Pastry Chef
Miriam and Midnight = Occult Duo
Anne = Figurehead of Corellia
Jequn = The Cosmic Enigma
Zandria = Defender of Space-Time
Ebba = Hunter Mercenary
Kai = Hunter Knight
Meadow = Tribal Huntress
Edelaide = Nomad of the Wild
Hawkmoon Costume = Ascendant Mender (updated artwork)
Heimdall Costume = Dreaded Watchman
Cleopatra = Divine Pharaoh
Tetisheri = Mummy Queen
Domitia Costume 2 = Undead Sniper
Horghall Costume 2 = Nightmare of the Woods
Magni Costume 2 = Ancient of Underworld
Kiril Costume 2 = Master Wood Carver

Morax = Bane of the Underworld
Bubbles = Copycat of the Illusionary Arts
Chomper = Hamster Brawler Champion
Furdinand = Ruffian of the Canine Expedition
Hachiko = Puppy of Loyalty
(Toto) now Max = Canine Storyteller
Cupcake = Clawsome Bandit
Waddles = Captain of the Duck’s Guard
Ribbit = Gladiator of Frog Kingdom
Rufus = Furry Woodcutter
Hammertusk = Burly Bashing Barbarian
Waterpipe = Harpoon Engineer
Fianna = Forest Trapper
Charon = Ferryman of Styx
Baldur Costume = Fiery God
Fortuna = Goddess of Luck
Jove = God of Sky
Enigmo = Summoning Conundrum
Ahmose = Mummy Pharaoh
Hel Costume = Celestial Blood Queen
Perseus Costume = Challenger of Boreas

Balur = Feroucius Gladiator
Augustus = Gnome Elder
Peppermint = Gnome Alchemist
Tinsel = Gnome Tinkerer
Holly = Gnome Head Chef
Buster = Grumpy Garden Gnome
Ogima = Bard of Spirits
Garyas = Bard of Joy
Zarel = Bard of Lore
Roz = Natural Sharpshooter
Xandrella = Master of Elemental Creations
Xenda = Heiress of the Underworld
Tarlak Costume = Prince of the Lu’au
Aramis = Romantic Musketeer
Athos = Veteran Musketeer
D’Artagnan = Ardent Musketeer
Porthos = Jolly Musketeer
Queen Anne = Elegant Monarch
Villiers = Pompous Duke

Thor Costume = Conduit of Thunder
Hathor = Goddess of Motherhood
Goretooth = Savage Hunter
Otis = Hunter Blademaster
Bogart = Marsh Hunter
Basil = Mouse of the Hunt
Joon Costume 2 = Might of Sun
Leonidas Costume 2 = Unyielding Mage
Quintus Costume 2 = Love Doctor
Caedmon Costume 2 = Elven Cavalier
Kemeny = Hardened Gargoyle
Matrera = Shadowy Gargoyle

Roughian & Nurgib = Unseparable Team
Erlang Shen = Warrior God of Heaven
Misandra Costume = Magnificent Hula Dancer
Amethyst = Hidden Assassin
Ekanite = Shinobi Squad Leader
Oniwakamaru = Shadow Monk of 999 Swords
Serandite = Ninja of the Piercing Flames
Kinsaishi = Thunderous Ninja Monk
Frigg Costume = Goddess of Clairvoyance
Fura Costume = Herbalist of Svartalfheim
Laohu = Lunar Brawler Tiger
Xiaotu = Lunar Protector Rabbit
Eset = Lady with Ten Thousand Names
Aegir Costume = Frozen Farmer
Aeron Costume = Periwig Judge
Guardian Hippo = Brute of Corellia
Guardian Gazelle Costume = Swift Striker of Teltoc
Guardian Jackal Costume = Bone Collector of Teltoc
Anzia = Galactic Savior
Zengar = Universal Beast

Viselus = Blightwalker Druid
Mok-Arr Costume = Savage Blademaster
Danzaburo Costume = Fearless Mechant
Thanatos = God of Peaceful Demise
Dabria = Hunter Occultist
Staintongue = Relentless Hunter
Greel = Feral Swashbuckler
Tyr Costume = Savage Justice
EI-Dunn Costume = Ferocious Viking Battler
Cupido = Cupid of Affection
Himeros = Cupid of Unrequited Love
Phthonus = Cupid of Envy
Voluptas = Cupid of Delights
Zarola = Cupid of Heartbreakers
Hetepheres = Cunning Sphinx
Azlar Costume 2 = Leor Babysitter
Justice Costume 2 = Ancient of Thorns
Li Xiu Costume 2 = Fireworks General
Cinnamon = Knight of the Arctic Circle
Queen Guowang = Unparalleled Beauty
Heifeng Guai = Black Wind Demon
General Yin = Shapeshifting Demon General

Gilligan = Quixotic Adventurer
Bonecrusher = Silverback Chieftan
Mistweaver = Orangutan Brawler
Mitsuko Costume = Blazing Beauty
Agwe Costume = Chameleon Alchemist
Milady de Winter = Machiavellian Villainess
Kitty = Friendly Florist
Felton = Depraved Assassin
Planchet = Valiant Valet
Odin Costume = Valiant All-Father
Almur Costume = Lord of Svartalheim
Anubis = God of the Afterlife
Ares Costume = Keymaster of War
Zimkitha Costume = Long-Lost Adventurer
Belladonna = Bard of Supernatural
Archie = Traveling Lama Troubadour
Jasper = Florist Bull
Doxan = Exiled Plasma Blade
Ignazio = Conductor of Flames

Turgruk = Vicious Tracker
Atomos Costume = Guardian of the Reef
Gobbler Costume = World Heavyweight Champion
Proteus Costume = Farseer of Atlantis
Sumitomo Costume = Khevtuul of Guile
Triton Costume = Champion of Atlantis
Gill-Ra Costume = Shallows Pursuer
Myoin-Ni = The Strongest Bannerlord
Nordri Costume = Explorer Dwarf of Jotunheim
Fenrir Costume = Guardian of Nilfheim
Meresankh = Sphinx of the Sun
Lianna Costume 2 = The Noble Raven
Kadlien Costume 2 = Moonlit Fairy
Cyprian Costume 2 = Deathbound Reveller
Gormek Costume 2 = The Epicurean
Rigard Costume 2 = Noble Healer
Skittleskull Costume 2 = Toad Witch
Green Knight = Challenger of Avalon
Guinevere Costume = Dragonrider of Avalon
Merlin Costume = Astromancer of Avalon
Xiong Shanjun = Bear Mountain Lord
Dr. Moreau Costume = Devious Scribe
Elizabeth Costume = Bridal Aristocrat
Lepiota Costume = Leader of the Undying
Prof. Lidenbrock Costume = Sagacious Jeweler

Suzuna = Spellcaster Fashionista
Camilla = Arcanist Tinkerer
Ray = Champion of the Court
Telonius = Centaur of the Woodlands
Willow = Master of Levitation
Lucy = Mageball Prodigy
Roxia = Ancient Scribble Enthusiast
Sorrow = Icebound Wraith
Numbskull = Clumsy Skeleton
Thunderclap = Enraged Gorilla
Knuckles = Macaque Sentinel
Cedar = Chimpanzee Chain Champion
Lord Loki Costume = Shapeshifter God
Sneferu = Sphinx of the Moon
Delilah Costume = Guardian of the Celestial Temple
Natalya Costume = Fireborn Seamstress
Barkley = Pug of War
Snowball = Clawful Stray Cat
Aconia = Cyber Rogue
Griffex = Modifier of Reality
Phileas Fogg Costume = Exquisite Engineer
Hurricane = Ape Assassin
Azurite = Ninja Outlook
Kushanku = The Fist of Deception

Skargremar = Pioneering Rearguard
Bera Costume = Conjurer of the Disir
Ceto = Primordial Goddess of Sea Monsters
Ephyra = Nereid Princess
Galapago = Wise Sage of the Oceans
Lasalle = Flamboyant Hussar of Atlantis
Phorcys = Primordial God of the Depths
Thalassa = Primordial Goddess of the Oceans
Mulgog = Fishman Marauder
Shar’Khai = Great Betrayer
Bagreg = Fishman Skirmish Leader
Flip = Seal Lifeguard
Misty = Snorkeling Gnome
Mortimer = Dark Elf Surfer
Itham = Elf Swimming School Instructor
Dolrak = Overly Tanned Dwarf
Boldtusk Costume 2 =The Feral Sage
Colen Costume 2 = Brave Tracker
Grimm Costume 2 = Dark Messenger
Sartana Costume 2 = Snake of Descenthia
Marjana Costume 2 = Master Thief of Windemer
Celimene = Bard of Illusion
Nine-Headed Beast = Nine-Headed Prince Consort
Odette = The White Swan
Phantom of the Opera = Mysterious Mastermind
Garjammal Costume = Morlock Kite Master
Becky = Starlight Conjurer
Haulstone = Carry-It-All Construct
Ferrus = Pirate Construct

Cinisia = Meliai Warmage
Alfrike Costume = Hatter of Svartalfheim
Ceto = Primordial Goddess of Sea Monsters
Jaco = Dodgy Merchant of the Deep
Thorne Costume 2 = Commander Frostmorrow
Jove = Masked God of the Sky*
Fortuna = Masked Goddess of Fate* * V59 (6/27/2023) changed secondary titles
Aradia = Masked Goddess of Witchcraft
Cel = Masked Goddess of Earth
Jana = Masked Goddess of the Moon
Fosco = Follower of Februus
Alessia = Follower of Aradia
Xavier = Dual Blade Specialist
Zione = Mechanized Delivery Expert
Amphitrite = Goddess of the Sea
Morel Costume = Eloi Sage
Constance = Courageous Musketeer
Tremor = Baboon Swordmaster
Brimstone = Hellish Construct
Salmon Loki Costume = Dapper Fish

Ithar = Virtuous Cat Burglar
Ultrox = Temple Keeper of the Deep
Ukkonen = Cursed Kin of Vainamoinen
Aino Costume = Lake Maiden
Kullervo Costume = Battle-Scarred Son
Mielikki Costume = Protector of the Bears
Elena Costume 2 = Captain of the Wicked
Frog Prince = Heir of the Throne
Puss in Boots Costume = Masked Highwaycat
Hansel Costume = Vampire Hunter of Grimforest was changed from Child Lost in the Woods
Sha Wujing = Sand Monk
Zuni = Hoverboarding Elf
Alfie = Elemental Jester
Octros Costume = Molluscan Suitor
Ulius = Peculiar Inventor Wizard
Blossom = Porcelain Doll Construct
Norns Costume = Puppeteers of Destiny
Gelert = Treasure Hunter of the Deep

Areax = Half-Horse Ice Mage
Richard Costume 2 = Hammer of Injustice
Luna = Crescent Owl
Aouda Costume = Lotus Princess
Quinn = Cosmic Chef
Linus = Carefree Convict
Carmenta = Masked Goddess of Spiels
Darkfeather = Adept Eagle Trainer
Deadboot = Goblin Cultist
Kettle = Kitchen Alchemist
Smarttongue = Goblin Bard
Goldie = Goblin Beauty
Boots = Oblivious Guard
Cardinal Richelieu = Duplicitous Duke
Rochefort = Ruthless Miscreant
Ghealach = Starborn Mage Construct
Amber = Vampire Blood Warrior
Edwin = Cunning Butler
Lucinda = Wielder of Excalibroom
Ratatoskr Costume = Architect of Yggdrasil
Gestalt = Prince of the Eternal Deep
Aqualith = Elemental Hoplite

Uthragan = Toxic Abomination
Evelyn Costume = Brave Huntress
Musashi Costume = Escape Artist
Tweedles = Twins of Wonderland
Queen of Hearts Costume = Benefactor of Wonderland
Cheshire Cat Costume = Malicious Kitty Cat
Nova = Fire Spirit Collector
Zaria = Three-Eyed Psychic
Xiwangmu = The Queen Mother
Passepartout Costume = Elegant Artist
Tenebrae = Dark Princess Construct
Boon & Fang = Reckless Duo
Madhammer = Goblin Brawler
Lysanor = Seer of the Sapphire Dream
Teddy = The Pureheart
Torben = Lord of the Highlands
Xiamara = Guardian of the Emerald Forest
Koda = Knight of the Plum Forest
Fawn = Devote Aquire
Lady Loki Costume = Trickster Mother
Persa = Water Spirit of Plunder
Frond = Elven Construct
Azlar Toon Costume 3 = Toon Leor
Richard Toon Costume 3 = Hammer of Toon Power
Sartana Toon Costume 3 = Toon Executioner
Vivica Toon Costume 3 = Toon Scholar
Chao Costume 2 = Tiger Master
Little John Costume 2 = Mighty Highlander
Melendor Costume 2 = Party Wizard
Scarlett Costume 2 = Dancer from the Sandsea
Tiburtus Costume 2 = Lamenting Duke
Wu Kong Costume 2 = Monkey Reveller

Neema = Fire Wizard
Februus = Masked God of Purification
Umbria = Masked Goddess of Shadows
Lexi = Artisan of Elemental Energy
Farrah = Supersonic Blade Master
Xnolphod Costume = Octopod Jailer
Griffin = Invisible Priest
Gramps = Halfling Gardener
Fizzcoil = Goblin Troupe Violinist
Jett = Herald of Sacrifice
Vaishali = Mystic Chess Master
Sparklight = Astral Elf Champion
Starwalker = King of the Astral Elves
Tametomo = Greatbow Saboteur
Morganite = Ninja of the Fading Shadows
Atlanteia = Glacial Nereid of the Deep
Elkanen Toon Costume 3 = Toon Spearmaster
Obakan Toon Costume 3 = Preatorian Toon
Boril Costume 2 = Tavern Defender
Hu Tao Costume 2 = Bamboo Dueller
Kashhrek Costume 2 = Lizardfolk Fisher
Sabina Costume 2 = Deathbound Princess
Sonya Costume 2 = Willful Prospector
Christine Daae = Songbird of the Opera
Firmin Richard = Upstart Patron
Madame Giry = Matron of Dancers
Raul = Lovesick Nobleman

Leadria = Queen of the Eternal Spring
Cookie = Gnome Scientist
Ginger = Gnome Explorer
Zappa = Gnome Wizard
Dizzy = Gnome Entertainer
Jolly = Gnome Lumberjack
Chang’e = Chosen by the Lunar Light
Ironmaw = Warlord of the Unwavering Orcs
Captian Nemo Costume = Enigmatic Machinist
Tettukh Costume = Morlock Cheerleader
Helo Costume = Eloi Baker
Shaal = Cleric Construct
Acidfire = Goblin Necromancer
Leafwhisk = Enchanter of Beasts
Domiventus = The Eternal Hadal Being
Satori = Sumo Champion
Fulvia = Queen of Owl Tower
Ommodus = Lawbringer of Owl Tower
Relius = Herbalist of Owl Tower
Timius = Royal Vanguard of Owl Tower
Olbec = Alchemist of Owl Tower
Featherino = Anxious Rapscallion of Owl Tower
Paeia = Princess of Owl Tower
Shacklebolt = Imprisoned Construct
Leonidas Costume 3 = Unyielding Toon
Marjana Costume 3 = Toon of Windemer
Boldtusk Costume 3 = The Unwavering Toon
Grimm Costume 3 = Dark Toon
Gan Ju Costume 2 = Branch of Toons
Jahangir Costume 2 = Mage from the Toon Sea
Valen Costume 2 = Talented Toon
Black Caesar = Boatswain of Corellia
Lady Locke Costume = Rebel Queen
Sargasso Costume = Rotten Captain of Corellia
Peters Costume = Paper Boy at Shore

Zora = Knight of the Rose
Desmond = Blade Alchemist
Russula Costume = Eloi Painter
Zila Lei Costume = Octopod Dancer
Elba = Stalwart Protector of Love
Eros = Cupid of Desire
Kabeiroi = Love-struck Gearhead
Pepperflame = Famed Goblin Flutist
Daemon = Avenger of the Withered
Winnie = Ursine Armorer
Raleigh = Scholar of the Emerald Forest
Yona = Jester of the Highlands
Norman = Jousting Champion
Thoth-Amun Costume = Cosmic Conjurer
Hornfel = Minotaur Construct
Medea = Naqa Queen of the Deep
Magni Costume 3 = Toon of Ice
Caedmon Costume 3 = Elven Toon
Melendor Costume 3 = Toon Wizard
Balthazar Costume 2 = Toon Magician
Brienne Costume 2 = Toon of Rathwood
Prince Siegfried = Future King
Swan Maiden = One of the Little Swans
Jolt = Electric Navigator

Gladius = Relentless Tracker
Spartoi = Naga Berserker
Akkorog Costume = Morlock Running Back
Hathor Costume = Starlit Mother
Anubis Costume = Arbiter of the Dancefloor
Ma’at Costume = Lady of the Iteru
Xie Zi Jing = Scorpion Demoness
Gongniu = Lunar Guardian Ox
Qinglong = Lunar Strategist Dragon
Nautica = Navigator Construct
Nogu = Javlein Throw Champion
Khiona Costume = Mirage Engineer
Joon Costume 3 = Toon of the Sun
Lianna Toon Costume 3 = The Noble Toon
Li Xiu Toon Costume 3 = Toon General
Kiril Toon Costume 3 = Toon Brewer
Kailani Toon Costume 2 = Toon Healer
Prisca Toon Costume 2 = Resolute Toon
Livia = Head Priestess of Owl Tower
Lodius = Berserker of Owl Tower
Juliani = Justiciar of Owl Tower
Grimsteel = Hermit of the Frozen Mountain
Cinderella = Housemaid of Grimforest
Guardian Elephant = The Arrow of Teltoc
Niki - Scythe Master of the Dark Sea
Garten = Party Gargoyle
Pophit = Virtuoso Gargoyle
Zenobia Costume = Apocynacid Queen
Poppy Costume = Halfling Lodger

Anoushka = The Reclusive Seeress
Ahmose Costume = Pharaoh Reborn
Hetepheres Costume = Sphinx at the Spa
Dreadstar = Queen of the Astral Elves
Lemonwood = Astral Elf Marksman
Moonflower = Astral Elf Botanist
Lionstring = Astral Elf Dressmaker
Starswift = Astral Elf Youth
Gregorion Costume = The Hermit Alchemist
Lazara = Baseball Champio
Scath = Void Tank Construct
Domitia Toon Costume 3 = Toon Sniper
Colen Toon Costume 3 = Toon Bounty Hunter
Skittleskull Toon Costume 3 = Toon Witch
Azar Toon Costume 2 = Seeker of Toons
Bane Toon Costume 2 = Toon Brawler
Mariol = Courtier of Owl Tower
Verus = Scout Commander of Owl Tower
Miss Ethel = Defender of Springvale
Timothy = The Plucky Piglet
Archie Costume = Gallant Llama Troubadour
Jasper Costume = Fisherman Bull
Rocket = Demolitions Expert
Daroga = Jade Eyed Gentleman
Meg Giry = Starlet Ballerina
Odile = Black Swan
Gastille = Multidimensional Hazard
Hulda Costume = Head Nurse
Hammerclang = Astral Elf Blacksmith

Zarga = Fast Blade
Horus Costume = Golden Hunter
Tang Sanzang = Great Mystery of the River
Ramona = Ram Turismo Champion
Khagan Toon Costume 3 = Chief of Toons
Cyprian Toon Costume 3 = Deathbound Toon
Kelile Toon Costume 3 = Toon of Dragonia
Belith Toon Costume 2 = Toon Spirit
Graymane Toon Costume 2 = Ferocious Toon
Armel = Arctic Ambassador
Cecilia = Blessed by Twilight
Atwood = Captivated by the Unknown
Shimmerscale = Lizardfolk Lanternbearer
Vanya = The Steadfast Sapper
Greg = The Grogsmaster
William = Nervous Night Guardsman
Scrollbeast = Retired Boar Rider
The Hatter Costume= Tea Connoisseur
Knave of Hearts = Thief of Wonderland
Omen = Hallowed by the Devil Reef
Grilka = Hospitable Quartermaster
Voidstar = Astral Elf Great Knight
Hannah Costume = Adventurous Drover
Rokkamush Costume = Ettin Mason
Vollermork Costume = Morlock Bartender
Carta = Cartographer Construct
Bonechill = Frost Construct
Rustbeak = Owl Construct
Cleopatra Costume = Feline Pharaoh

Bo & Runt = Leaders of the Pack
Melancholia = Acolyte of the Old Ones
Mistra = Discus Throw Champion
Isarnia Toon Costume = Protector of Toons
Gormek Toon Costume = The Hungry Toon
Little John Toon Costume = Mighty Toon
Berden Toon Costume = Toon Archer
Hawkmoon Toon Costume = Ascendant Toon
Eron = Minstrel of Owl Tower
Caelen = The Pensive Poet
Mena = Pedantic Gargoyle
Uwe = Fluffy Gargoyle
Grumbl = Wise Gargoyle
Betty = Nimble Gargoyle
Dolores = Reckless Private Investigator
Scoria = Everburning Construct
Craum = Elemental Shaman
Demilune = Astral Elf Oracle
Dubhán = The Storm God’s Chosen
Thura = Star-Blessed Hunter
Xenda Costume = Heiress to the Flame
Mack Costume = Halfling Novelist
Morris Costume = Moleman Potter
Phorcys Costume = Warrior God of the Depths
Abigail = Investigative Journalist
Tetisheri Costume = Molten Queen
Diaochan Costume = Flower Beauty
Zhuge Liang Costume = Strageist Supreme
Elena Costume 3 = Captain of the Royal Toons
Hu Tao Costume 3 = Toon of Bamboo
Kashhrek Costume 3 = Toon Chieftain
Friar Tuck Costume 2 = Jovial Toon
Nashgar Costume 2 = First Toon in Battle

Aviana = The Falcon Commander
Davey Wavey = Shark in Training
Mazoga = Orc Water Gunner
Zenuk’wa = Ice Cream Enthusiast
Hunter = Descendant of the Old Ones
Humbert = Defender of the Highlands
Siofra = The Oathkeeper
Rhineglow = Supercapacitor Construct
Violet Potts = Happy-Go-Lucky Halfling
Starlass = Astral Elf Arbalist
Hilda = Fearless Gargoyle
Nylora = Cold Blooded Assassin
Fungustine = Rejuvenating Forest Slime
Gunktus = Relentless Battle Blob
Gestalt Costume = Prince of the Eternal Pearls
Zekena Costume = Apocynacid Prince
Meresankh Costume = Sphinx of the Disco
Azmia Costume = Dancing Tavern Keeper
Ruadh = Abyssal Huntsman
Justice Costume 3 = Toon of Stone
Chao Costume 3 = Toon Tactician
Rigard Costume 3 = Toon Cavalier
Carver Costume 2 = The Cutpurse Toon
Karil Costume 2 = The Hotblooded Toon
Zavinia = Hybrid of the Deep

Sini = The Azure Conjurer
Cennius = Hidden Claw of Owl Tower
Iocantha = Master-at-Arms
Theodosius = Courageous Corporal
Moonbell = Astral Elf Summoner
Gwynn = Energy Flow Construct
Sobek Costume = Guardian of the River
Ahhotep Costume = Mummy Champion
Ash = Fierce Bounty Hunter
Horghall Costume 3 = Toon of the Wood
Sonya Costume 3 = Toon Champion
Wu Kong Costume 3 = Monkey Toon
Isshtak Costume 2 = Toon Fighter
Ulmer Costume 2 = Toon of Glaceholm
Bearnadette = Portrait Painter
Rashan = Hulu-Metal User
Sune = Malachite Hunter
Otso = Wanderer of the Steppes
Ukkonen Costume = Infernal Kin of VÀinÀmöinen
VÀinÀmöinen Costume = Eternal Sage
Guffa = Stoic Gargoyle
Galapago Costume = Wise Roller of the Quarry
Pertinax = Knight Guardian of Owl Tower

Sir Casmir = The Vagabond Guardian
Congalach Costume = Warrior of Kelp
Cao Cao Costume = Warlord of Ice
Frank ‘Fangs’ Brimwell = Streetwise Sergeant
Vander = Cyborg Captain
Skarn = Balefrost Construct
Bastet Costume = Eye of the Forest
Aqeela Costume = Street-Smart Sorcerer
Quintus Costume 3 = Toon Scientist
Scarlett Costume 3 = Raider from the Toon Sea
Tiburtus Costume 3 = Mournful Toon
Dawa Costume 2 = Toon of Shaguad
Oberon Costume 2 = Relentless Toon
Sigyn = Scorpion Handler
Mooncure = Astral Elf Incense Master
Alvar = The Pathfinder
Rust = The Guardian Red Fox
Whitefang =The Ranger Arctic Fox
Von Rothbart = Feared Magician
Arman Moncharmin = Skeptical Patron of Arts
Thalassa Costume = Primordial Goddess of the Crystals
Iga = Master of Kunai Storm
Nomad = Silent Executioner
Tora = Silent Huntress
Chikao = Silent Strike
Lughaidh Costume = The Deathless King
Peregrine = Reckless Faun Scout
Verity = Mysterious Faun Merchant
Saskia = Fleet-Footed Faun Dancer

Chloris = Floral Spirit
Pip = Nervous Messenger
Sludgus = Singing Tavern Slime
Khonshu Costume = Knight of the Moon
Faiez Costume = Fortuitous Miner
Thorne Costume 3 = Toon Frostmorrow
Boril Costume 3 = Toon Defender
Gunnar Costume 2 = Toon Knight
Renfeld Costume 2 = Unhinged Toon
Melodymuse = Astral Elf Poet
Charlotta = Prima Donna

Aranth = Dragon Lorekeeper
Noctur = Blade Wing Dragon
Leafheart = Maple Dragon
Saestrasz = Protector of the Evergrove
Zostrasz = Wildwood Elder Dragon
Bonefang = Unchained Behemoth
Cindron = Knight of the Draconic Order
Dreamcatcher = Sentinel of the Night
Lux = Keeper of Light
Veneno = Venom Priestess
Doombringer = Infernal Destroyer
Glacio = Artic Guardian
Ignis = Keeper of Draconic Artifacts
Marmora = Hippogryph of the Misty Isles
Stargazer = Nebula Wyvern
Eotei = Deep Sea Wyvern
Luminare = Luminescent Dragonling
Nimblewing = Butterfly Lizard Dragon
Nightwing = Mystic Owl
Sassy = Yarn Demolisher
Bathosh = Abyssal Green Dragon
Cuddlewing = Baby Dragonling
Deathflayer = Wyvern Champion
Forto = Flying Fire Rhino
Owlford = Winged Protector
Shen Lin = Forest Serpent
Skydancer = Mantis Dragon
Xiao Fang = Golden Serpent
Xondar = Abyssal Red Dragon
Yvestrasza = Caretaker of Dragonlings
Glimmerwing = Sun Shard Dragonling
Kranio = Collector of Skulls
Krio = Fierce Dragonling
Leafwind = Warden of Foliage
Snowy = Ice Dragonling
Flumen = River Dragonling
Croakster = Winged Amphibian
Leafy = Polar Droplet
Rusty = Mischievous Prankster
Sparky = Nimble Serpent
Sting = Protector of the Hive
Ardere = Charger Dragonling
Silva = Dragonling of the Forest
Solis = Dragonling of the Sun
Vesperi = Dragonling of the Night

Tamlin = Eerie Faun Flautist
Lasselle Costume = Flamboyant Jockey of Atlantis
Chester = The Unfriendly Ghost
Wayne = The Great Magician of Morlovia
Alucard Costume = Vampire Kingpin
Malum = Ruthless Shinobi
Osamu = Iron Discipline Ninja
Exeera Costume = Octopod Hierophant
Kravekrush Costume = Ettin Grillmaster
Dima = The Hogmaster

Zidane = Charming Privateer
Mucktus = Fiendish Forest Blob
Papyros Costume = Colossus of Paper and Sand
Ptolemy Costume = Elder Log
Kadilen Toon Costume 3 = Toon Shieldmaster
Sabina Costume 3 = Deathless Toon
Tyrum Costume 2 = Solemn Toon
Swiftpaw = The Assassin Silver Fox
Cosmicspeaker = Astral Elf Astronomer
Vincent = Frightened Gargoyle
Vonreine = Fiery Gargoyle
Revna = Carnelian Hunter
Medea Costume = Naga Goddess of the Deep
Umeko = Poison Flower Ninja
Araminta = Fearsome Faun Warrior
Rosalind = Cheerful Captain
Zhang Fei Costume = Merciless Bear General
Slimgo = Sneaky Rogue Slime

Mene = Fairy Queen of the Night
Khufu Costume = Aquatic Androsphinx
Junaid Costume = Sworn Champion
Ysabel = Dauntless Faun Gladiator
Astrid = Bard of Resurrection
Bonzo = Bard of Odd
Caitlin Costume = The Justicar Crusader
Saiorse Costume = The Vanquisher
Dark Lord Costume = Astronomer of Karemdol
Spiff = The Royal Knight Fox
Sawano = Faithful Kunoichi
Atlanteia Costume = Glacial Siren of the Deep
Kolya = Stolid Sentry
Hrothgar = Master of the Mead-Hall
Wealhtheow = Ring-Graced, Royal Hearted
Gooldron = Nerdy Cauldron Slime
Sun Quan Costume = Warlord of Fortune


Anton = Young Scholar


I’d like to agree. There are some great projects that seems to have fallen behind. Barry Farmz Here spreadsheet, Anchor’s Hero Grading, and This List are some of a great tools that need support. It would be nice to see SG do something to support these projects. It’s the community that goes the extra mile and everyone benefits including the multi million dollar SG. Having a few more community regulars/moderators able to edit them so that the burden is not on one person, and that they don’t die if those players move on. It would be great to see both spreadsheets into a forum version and this list into a spreadsheet version. For those spearheading the work for the community, we thank you for your efforts but please don’t shy from asking for help, burnout is real and I’m sure there are others who would love to help. It would be nice for the authors of threads to be able to allow other users the ability to edit or put has the new author of the thread to help with updating, I’m sure they have saved master copies that they can reload if something goes awry.

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