After 220 some pulls with no HOTM I have landed Neith. Wahoo!
I wanted her because I don’t have Guin and I missed Onatel when she was HOTM. She’ll be a good addition to my yellow mono team.
Interesting conversations here about her. I have Justice at 3-70 ( never higher) and Leonidas at 3-70. He will get mats someday.
Neith will join Jackal (2) Ranvir and Poseidon on my yellow team. She might even find her way into my defense team with ursena Kunchen and Poseidon, who knows.
Anyway I’m happy to break my bad luck streak and think she will be a good hero.
Well as the creator of the thread on which hotm to pull and passing on Kingston I am now thinking that was a mistake. Not because he was not good but because neith isn’t as good as what I hoped for. I knew the stats and arguments made some myself but I can’t pull the trigger on my EHT. Maybe its the vampires not being a prime target.
Problem is I missed on Kingston by choice I have lianna and solid green team and yellow still lacks. I find it puzzling though that mushashi gets love here yet he’s considered weak usually. Personally I like him and Leo too. I have joon, Vivica, justice x2 both at 1.1. Plus all the 4s. As f2p (i did buy the vip special for Halloween but that’s it since going f2p months ago). I won’t get many chances and now im thinking its maybe wait until Christmas. My new argument is that I missed Kingston. I could get neith but I also might get a vamp. Without neith do they help yes. But would mn or Santa or buddy help more yesss. Grimble meh but maybe vela idk. Just give me Kingston and you can take my why plus the next 20 I might get…lol.
She definitely shouldn’t be a ranger. There are too many already and she doesn’t fit there. I can’t see myself ever putting emblems on her.
I have tried to use her but she just isn’t very good. She is too slow to get a special off in time to be very helpful and her special is pretty average. If you only have a few heroes she can be a good addition but she will most likely sit on the bench and be used on a 5th or 6th war raid team.
For once , I have to disagree with this. To me, Neith’s special is very powerful indeed.
Mana cut is mana cut, regardless of the amount.
Just imagine her effect when she cut the mana of your snipers which were to fire.
When the blindness comes to effect, it caused some misses tiles which may hinder the mana recharge.
Ghost tiles boost mana but misses tiles gone with the wind.
So, some damage, mana cut and blindess to all is very powerful indeed. Probably the reason why she was nerfed to nerd…lol jk.