Need help with 5* Red Heroes - Reuben, Noor, Elena

My options for next red project are uninspiring, and I am wondering if I can get some sound advice on who to build next. My only maxed 5* red hero is Baldur.

I have Elena, Noor (2/60), Reuben x3, and a second Baldur as my bench options, but none of them leave a tingling sensation of excitement when I think of who to work on next, and I do have 6 rings waiting for someone. I can pick one of them or just wait until I pick up a better option.

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Level at least 1 of them at 3/70 and play with them at the medium or difficult map stages. Whoever the hero you find useful, ascend that one.

Elena is decent both in offense and defense due to her riposte and high attack stat, especially if you get her costume since it adds to her stats and reduces mana requirement. Her bane is basically her low defense. Emblem may somewhat remedy that issue.

Noor is one of the summoner fire legendaries, along with Red Hood, Santa Clause and Puss in Boots. She is slow though but may be relevant in the current minion summoning meta. She is one with a buff request thread in the forum.

Reuben is a late hero in that he would have been one of the best counter for the GTV trio pre-nerf. Now that Velluria aint much as oppressive defensively like they were once before, Reuben’s release as a HOTM as a much needed hero is DEAD. But he hits 3 and is the only fast hero among your choices. You may find him and Noor benefiting with each other’s minions.

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Hello, I can use some advice- I have red 5* Elena, Azlar, and 4* - Cohen + Cost, Scarlett, Boldtusk, Kellie all leveled up. I have Khagan, Yang Mai and Russel at 3/70. Who would you level up?

Considering that you already have two slow 5*, you could ascend Yang Mai, which is fast and also gives you a very little bit of mana.

It also depends of how many emblems you have for Yang or Russel. If you have a lot of wizard emblems and none for monk, Russel is also an ok choice.


Thanks I appreciate it

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