Need help on setting up defense team

Hi all experts, I need advice on setting up my defense team.

Right now I am using (from left to right) Joon-BT-Seshat-Ariel-Greg (all maxed), but seems like it is not really solid enough. I set up like this because they are the best/maxed heroes.

I was thinking to put 2 counter/3 healers or 3 counter/2 healers as the defense team, as recently I just summoned Sif.

Will this work?

Here are the heroes that I have. Can someone show me how to set up a better defense team?


Bring Melendor and that type of defence teams will be just food.

Sif can be a viable center, but you nerd damage from flanks and wings.

can you list out the 5 (including Melendor) from what I have? Thanks.

I wouldn’t recommend more than one healer. For now, I’d suggest maybe to switch Ariel and Sesh.

And once ore Sif if max I would go with: Greg, Ariel, Sif, Sesh, Joon… Also two yellows not optimal, especially with one as tank. So maybe try Natalya instead of Joon, when you have her maxed, too.

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It is not about your defence, it is about my attack.
If I bring Melendor, then 3heal/2counter defence will be just food.

My guess about your future def:

Seshat-Ariel-Sif-Gregorion-Marjana (or Natalya, yes) .

But I can be wrong.

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Maybe Marjana will fit better? Yes, she will be without emblems, but Natalya on the wing is not so dangerous.

Can you explain why not more than one healer?
I see a lot of defense team having 2-3 and I already have headache facing them. Is it because my attack is not strong enough?


Why is that?
Both are fast, is it because Marjana has direct attack (458)?
Why Nat on the wing not dangerous?


You are right, I overlooked her.

Exactly. Plus the burn damage. Natalya has only DoT, though it cannot dispelled, the hero she hit’s is more likely to survive a few more turns to cast his special and maybe counter the DoT with healing, while Marjana could kill an enemy with one hit, considering the time she will be charged in the wing, your enemy might already have a few heroes on low health

In lower ranges you find teams with several healers and they might be annoying to players with a very limited roster. But what you need to defeat the enemy is damage. Healers are too passive. A versed player will just throw tiles at them to charge his heroes and has nothing to fear from them in return. Then he will take out the damage dealers first and after that your healers one by one. It will be a long battle, but not a very difficult one.