Need advice - is Elizabeth worth ascending?

Hey guys, I pulled Elizabeth recently and have been working on here and she jumped the line in front of Lady Loki, Tyr and Russel. I’ve always wanted her in my defense, but now with Esme and the new Gargoyle anti-fiend summoners coming out, will she still be a strong player or is it worth prioritising other heroes now? Thanks for your advice!


she is premium.

all who will be counter her also premium, meaning only few players can get them.

summary: yes, she is still the best


Yes. She’ll still be useful on offense.


Agree with @mogulemon and @Ruskin505 The counters are even more difficult to get than her and I don’t expect to find many of them on defenses, so I’d say yes.


Okay thanks I had to check!

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Elizabeth is a ‘beach’. Definitely worth levelling imo. I hate confronting her so much it’s not funny.


All new fiend counters are behind the paywall. She is really good for offense and worth leveling :blush:


Definitely! She’s on my #1 team max emblemed and fully limit broken! She’s an A+ rated hero.


She is worth it!
She is a fearful and evil opponent!

I even seen her limit broken!

Then advance Tyr , Lady Loki and last Russel.


Congrats on the cool forum title. Love your work. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Elizabeth is 100% worth ascending & fairly high priority to get LBs too.

Fiends killers, stoppers have just come & very few have them, though one person in my alliance has 5 Esmes… which means really few fellows will have Fiend fixers !

While Fiend fixers will have some continuous use in raids, one can be used only once in wars = no major issue there too.

Despite widely distributed AleX, Bera still runs as a dark tank… shows meta doesn’t change so fast.

Elizabeth will stay relevant due to her special & Fiends is one of her 3 specials… She will be good impact in Bloody battles…!

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Yes, Elizabeth is still top choice for ascension. I don’t think we’ll see Esme on defense, as she does not do much besides healing and fiend killing/protection. Dunno about Gargoyle heroes. Anyhow these heroes are rare, so they won’t affect meta that much and that quickly. And even then, Liz is still great offensive hero.

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Too many counters are incoming, she will be obsolete in few months in defense for sure. She is already not that hard to counter anyway.

In offense she is still okay but not indispensable.

Yes, she is worthy. Not everyone would have the Gargaoyles and/or Esme and most probably they wouldn’t level 6 of them.


One thing to add though is that I do see the value of Elizabeth on defense getting lower, because even if I don’t expect so many fiend counter or defenses, in top alliances there will be quite a few on offense. On the other hand, with the new OP heroes like Ludwig and the new ninjas, I do expect that meta will move away from Elizabeth anyway


The defence meta is always shifting. Elizabeth is likely to be good for a little while yet, but will surely be fine for offence for a lot longer. In any case, if you never ascend a 5* because there may be a better one along shortly, you’ll never ascend any at all.