Mysterious Tonic to whom!? - Suggestion

I currently have 5, hopefully soon to be 6, Mysterious Tonics.

For a few months, Kingston has been at 3/70, last month I pulled Zeline from Atlantis and the other day got Telluria. I feel Kingston or Zeline would be first choice (and I know it depends on use, it would pretty much be overall usage) but any suggestions would be appreciated on who should get the mats! I really enjoy Kingston, Zeline seems nice, but Telly seems to be a bit of a tank.

In my opinion Kingston is the most versatile so I’d ascend him. He’s great on offense and defense. :slight_smile: Can never go wrong with a sniper.


Kind of my thoughts, just wanted to see if others knew/see anything I’m missing. Right now, I have Lianna fully ascended, as she was my first 5*. I got Seshat and she’s +4. I’ve been lucky with snipers.

Hello MST.
For overall usage i think that kingstone would be a nice addition ! fast and hit hard sniper.

Otherwise, if you want a good tank, Telluria should be the right choice.

Im not familiarized with Zeline, but i like kingstone more

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Appreciate it. I’ve used Zeline (3/45) a few times and she seems not too shabby. I’ve got Seshat and BK full ascended so I’m torn between another tank or sniper. Kingstons kind of been the one I would prefer, but it’s a tough choice.

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Black knight is far superior , in my opinion, than Telluria as a tank. So the change itself is not as good for me.
Do you have Vela and gravemaker? GM-Telluria and Vela is a core that is commonly seeing nowadays but i cant say how good it is as i dont have grave and telluria.
Black knigt on the other hand seems to be more usefull by itself than telluria.
So at least you have people to combine with her keep BK better.

Kingstone is a beast. Hes Versatile and could work as a wing or flank.

So, thats my opinion. I hope someone who had tried those heroes could make it clearer for you.
By the way nice heroes you have!

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GM, no. Sadly, I started playing after that gravy train. I did get Vela though.

Thank you, I’ve gotten pretty lucky, getting every HOTM since Seshat, minus Neith and was really hoping for BK (being a Monty Python fan). I really would like to keep him in my defense team. Currently it’s him, Seshat, Vela, Lianna and Rigard.

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Max Kingstone and put him on your defense team instead of Lianna.
Hes slighty better in my opinion.


With BK at tank and Vela in the mix already for AoE, I think I would go with Kingston first and feed your next set of tonics to Zeline. Great set of heroes, lots to look forward to while leveling them up.

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Thank you for your input. I think I may go with you all and my gut and go with Kingston. Feel kind of bad he’s been sitting at 3/70 for so long. I’ve seen a lot of positive pieces on Zeline so it made it tough. Got enough to keep me occupied for sure.

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With Black Knight maxed, Seshat, and Lianna maxed, I would do Zeline first. You have your tank in Black Knight and already have quality snipers


They’re all high end options for emblems in their class. If any of them would receive them, that could tip the scales in my mind.

Outside of that, I’d generally favor Kingston. Besides being an amazing sniper he is very valuable against defenses that have Gravemaker (especially at flank, where he is virtually guaranteed to fire). For GM flanked teams I’m very comfortable 3tacking against the tank and putting Kingston in the middle. He severely mitigates GM’s damage as either he gets hit but there’s no burn on him or GM hits only the two to the left or right. All of those are scenarios I can live with.

Zeline does have another major benefit that I’d consider, which is if you typically use a red tank in war. In that case Zeline is a great flanking option to hurt the blue stack coming at you.

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Thank you, I honestly didn’t even think about GM and Kingston. I’m a daily raid player and usually avoid him, so that may help me be a bit more inclined to test against him. I appreciate it.

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Which hero did you take to final ascension and why? You cannot go wrong with those choices, but how do you feel now about your decision?

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I ended up getting enough for 2, I went with Telly and Kingston for the time being. Since then, I received the Mad Hatter, so now saving up for him and Zeline still.