Don’t have any newer 5* Dark hero’s, so which one would you choose? Both have costume as well. Any advice or help welcomed! Thanks in advance!
- Quintus
- Domitia
0 voters
Don’t have any newer 5* Dark hero’s, so which one would you choose? Both have costume as well. Any advice or help welcomed! Thanks in advance!
0 voters
Quintus is to slow except in CF. Domitia is a dispeller. Very usefull against taunt or riposte opponents.
Even dodge can be dispelled, with a bit of luck.
Happy ascending
Wait my friends exept have costume
Yeah true. I have costumes for both, forgot to add that in there. So you would choose Domitia?
With full costume bonus and a lvl.5 mana troop Domi will be effectively fast mana.
Awesome! Thanks for your input!