My future tank: Ariel, Guin, Viv or new and improved Aegir?

None are ready yet, but I’m being forward-looking.

Which one do you like in the middle, and why?

And do you see any devastating pairings I could do among them?


Guin and will always be Guin.

Still the most punishing tank on bad boards amongst the 4.


Guin is the tank of tanks…….I don’t have Ariel so can’t really compare, but next choice would be viv, then maybe aegir tho I think he is better in flank position.

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Gin, Aegir for this order and only.

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Guinevere, but you should definitely consider Aegir as her flank. I think he’ll be a good tank, but he’s almost certainly an elite flank, now.

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You can put Guin as tank, Aegir as her flank and Ariel in the opposite wing (to avoid two neighboring blue heroes).

(I have maxed Guin, Ariel and Aegir 3-70 each).

But you’ll need two snipers to counter-balance this uber-defensive setup.

(or put lots of defensive heroes for Alliance Wars - I have Kunchen 3-57, Delilah 3-20 and an unleveled second Aegir; an extremely defensive setup, when you’re not fighting the elite alliances, is a nuisance, for the time it takes to bring it down)

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Can anyone tell me how Guin and Ariel pair on defense? I pulled Guin the other day and have her at 4-45. Ariel is maxed +3.

I’m lacking good five star red heroes so I’m rolling with Boldtusk +10 for now. I’m thinking I have too much healing and not enough fire power. However, I do have Lianna in final ascension at 4-15 and Sartana and Panther at 3-70 with five tabards.

My question’s are is this too much healing?
Do Guin and Ariel on the same defense make sense?
With this Lineup does Panther or Sartana get the tabards?

Is Ariel a viable tank?

With Boldtusk: yes. Too many healers.
With just Guinevere and Ariel: no.

If Ariel casts then Guinevere would likely to be dead and in this case there wouldn’t be the “too much healing” problem. Just put two damaging heroes next to Guinevere and the team would be fine.

Sartana shares the same class as Gwinevere and while she would normally be the best choice with a higher mana speed I feel like G. Panther could be able to cast her special again on her previous targets, granting high damage.

I suggest you to sandwich G. Panther between Ariel and Guinevere with Lianna to the right flank. You could also put your underdeveloped Sartana to the right corner while you wait for other tabards, she would still hits hard on G. Panther’s targets.