My defence team . Help needed

Hi Guys . That’s my Top heroes at the moment Regin is on the way to 80 now i always have problem with my defense team and i wondering if u can help me here i would love any tips or suggestions. Thank you !


unpopular vote here, since I wont use Bearnie but rather approach it from utility/speed standpoint.

from left to right :
Hammerclang - Thallasa - Guan Yu - Odile - Shimmer

This gets you increased dmg + defense down for extra hurt from odile attacks, two healers who protect you from ailments and increase dmg, attack down for enemies and wither cleanser from Shimmy

The other team which is more scary but less stable is :
Guan Yu - Bearnardette - Thallasa - Von Rothbart - Shimmerscale

Not much protection of team or being fast, but more relying on best defense is best offence :slight_smile:

Try both and see whats works for you better :wink:

Btw, Hathor doesnt have costume right?

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That’s amazing response! Thank you ! I will definitely try it straight on :slight_smile:

Unfortunately i don’t have Hathor costume yet im trying to get it but no lucky. I work on Regin now .

Shimmerscale - Thalassa - Bearnadette - Ghealach - Von Rothbart


Will try . Thank you very much :heart_eyes:

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Bearnie has to be tank, in any other position she will never fire. So either put her tank or take her out, But personally I would use her as tank.

Rothbart is just a pain, so also kinda must-have

I would go: Hammer-Odile-Bearnie-Rothbart-Shimmer

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You right ! Thank You!

Any team with that Bearnadette at tank is an instant reroll for me so - congrats for having her! That’s as far as I need to know!

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Thank you ! Yes she is good but February HOTM put her a bit down :frowning: