Gravemaker weren’t nerfed ever once, Telluria and Vela 1st iteration were very strong for their time’s META but after the first nerf they were further nerfed because they were too popular, not to strong. Frigg and Odin were strong and still are very strong, the nerfbat didn’t hit them as hard as it hit other heroes.
I think that many players who doesn’t have Frigg would gladly trade Mr. Pengi for her.
Anyway, hearing about why Mr. Pengi is too strong would be interesting as to identify where his “problem” comes from, if it’s due to fast minion summoners as Bera/Freya, to Xmax family heroes powered by Xnolphod or wathever.
Anyway, I think that Mr. Pengi still isn’t nearly as srong as the recently released Zekena, Faline, Quenell, Quintin… and maybe even other ones.