I got carried away early trying to level up my 5s but I’m actually trying to level up several unfinished 3 and 4s.
Knowing what I know now, I would have focused more on my 4s especially before getting enamored with my 5s
I got carried away early trying to level up my 5s but I’m actually trying to level up several unfinished 3 and 4s.
Knowing what I know now, I would have focused more on my 4s especially before getting enamored with my 5s
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welcome …wick_dawg… whatever you need and what we can help each other welcome good luck
After some thought and going back to how I started playing. I would say you are mathematically correct.
Psychologically not, there is no right or wrong. Which hero can be considered a game changer for a player? For you, it definitely has to be the cream of the crop in order for you to stop color matching. It depends on which point of the game are you at. For me, when I started out the first game changer was Cyprian as he got me through a lot of missions and challenges that I thought was impossible. At current point, it would be which super hero would give me better defense combination or raid scores. It is very difficult to tell a newer player to do color matching while they have to be patient looking at their shiny new hero not being able to fully utilize it.
So the conclusion for me, color matching when you don’t have a hero that you really want to use right away since it is more efficient and only power level when you have shiny new hero that you want to use right away.
Agreed, it’s definitely a relative metric. I have 37 5*s at or near max, plus two heavily emblemed 4*s (Falcon and Jackal). That means a the end of a war I have 9 maxed 5*s still on the bench. So, who matters for me?
They’re not quite getting all my feeders; I’m still putting the last few levels on Kunchen and Aegir. But that’s the caliber I’m thinking about. Kingston is possibly in this category, as fast green snipers are scarce (Lianna).
Marry Mitsuko and give her the rings! And if you haven’t finished S2, you’re going to be laughing your way through all the Kirin levels.
I have a lot of rings, so I went ahead and ascended Mitsuko.
Now my conundrum is who to ascend next.
I have Lianna, Magni, Ursena, and Seshat which I am just short 1 or 2 materials on.
I already have Hel and Joon past 3/70. So I’m not sure I want to ascend another dark hero first. Leaning towards Lianna. Although Seshat is tempting.
Also I have Boldtusk maxed out as my healer. Kiril is very close. I’m also working on Rigard and Melanie. Maybe I can get lucky and get Ariel in Atlantis coming up. I’ll also have to see what other previous heroes of the month are available.
Maybe I’ll just ascend them as the materials come.
I’m working on my 3rd Lianna now. Fast and massive damage in one shot. Can’t beat that.
Nice, congrats! With only 2 tomes right now, you may want to fill your color gaps first. Since you have purple and yellow already, maybe Magni and Lianna next.
I got lucky and pulled Mitsuko on a single pull. I was just about to give the rings to Khagan or Elena when I got her. I checked here of course and everyone agreed she should get the rings. I gave them to her and she is now maxed. I also gave her emblems which I am focusing mostly on Attack since she has good def and HP.
I run her at tank with Melendor 4+16, Magni 4+6, Mitsuko 4+6, Domitia 4+6, Joon 4+5. Since I maxed her and moved her to tank I have been able to hold up in low diamond for a few days on defense. Also she is incredible on S2 fighting the blue kirins and other blue enemies. I also love watching Isarnia, Magni and other incredible Ice heros hurt themselves when the special goes off. She also cuts mana for 3 people so that is like a Guin effect.
Of course we have to play what we have so others may disagree but I love her. Now if only Lianna would join my team…
Sorcerer is my favourite class and that should really help her and your d as well. Getting her a single pull in the midnight our was awesome … congrats.
Seshat is top notch bud!! I’d put her with Mitzuko on d any day.
Go to Hel !! (pun intented.)