You’ve got a ton of great heroes, specifically your 5*, whoa
For purple, I’d go ahead with Ursena, since Kunchen isn’t a for sure thing, and she’s worth the mats anyway; so fun to bring in against holy titans, and a great defender, too. Plus, having Vivica’s costume, it’s a close enough match to Kunchen where if you decide to max and level her next, Kunchen could wait [anyway]. After, I’d be working on Jabberwock because he’s brutal. Then, if you pull Kunchen, I’d max him next. Victor, Khiona and Sartana are worthy of 4th tier too, but should be put on the back-burner [for now]. Wouldn’t bother with Boss Wolf, Domitia, Obakan, Quintus, Thoth or Grimble.
For yellow, I’d definitely max Vivica (& costume) for defense down in yellow; like I said, close enough to Kunchen, where you get cleanse, dispel, defense up, defense down and a solid heal all in one. After, I’d be working on maxing Poseidon for snipe and mana protection. Then probably Inari for that tile damage and fun dodge, and Joon after that for another solid sniper (amazing paired with Guardian Jackal - so be sure to keep and level one if you pull him next event). Rana and Ranvir might be worth eventually maxing, but not urgent. & I’d hold off completely with Neith, Leonidas and Justice.
Not sure if you’re wondering about the other colors, but I’ll give my 2¢ on them as well
Red: If you don’t pull Jean, I’d do Grazul first, as she’s an amazing support hero to have on offense for that immunity alone. I’d suggest Natalya next, cuz even though her hit isn’t immediate, it’s deadly with mana control mixed in there, too. Once they’re both done, I’d look at maybe Red Hood or Santa next. If you stack and rely on tile damage, Azlar and/or Elena could be worth maxing in the future [for that]. Although, you’ve got plenty of other amazing heroes to work on in the meantime. So for now, I’d leave Elena, Azlar, Anzogh, Kestrel and Khagan alone.
Blue: I’d probably max Miki first for titans solely, since he is the best tile buffer for that. Though, if you’re willing to continue using a 3/70 Miki for the time being (only bonus you get from maxing him is increased survivability) I’d probably do Finley first- one of the most brutal heroes in raid settings. After those two are done, I’d go King Arthur for elemental defense down (amazing just about anywhere in a stack), then Alice for the best rogue sniper. Isarnia (& costume) and Snow White would come after, then maybe even Rumpel for fun. Leave Perseus, Richard and Thorne for last.
Green: I’d make Kingston your next maxed green project for another solid sniper at 80. After would be Tarlak for blue titans and support in raids. Morgan, Lady Locke, Hatter and Yunan are all worth eventually maxing, just not right now. & I’d leave Kadilen, Elkanen, Margaret and Horghall for last.
As for synergy, I’d suggest stacking, and using elemental defense droppers in those stacks. So Evelyn + Lianna/Kingston, Arthur + Finley + Magni/Alice (not ideal, having to wait on Arthur, but still can work if you hold their SS), Jackal + Joon, Wilbur + Falcon + Mitsuko. Dodge + blind is a great synergy, as well as stacking different DOTs together, too. Then there’s always the basic attack up + defense down synergy. Sometimes, it takes playing with a few different heroes to find one that you really enjoy.
& Before I go, I do wanna suggest a few more things:
For one, it looks like you’re spreading your feeders around to too many mouths at once, which can slow your progress down significantly. Going forward, I’d suggest only working on one to two heroes in a specific color at any given time, doing on-color feedings for the extra 20% exp bonus, til they’re either maxed, or at the mat wall. For example, I feed all of my 1* heroes to any new projects (on-color, of course) while giving my 2*+ to heroes going to 70+; I don’t ascend a hero, especially if it uses unfarmable mats, unless I’m ready to take them to the max level on that ascension.
Second would be to consider working on, and finishing, a few more of your 4*. I know they’re not as shiny as your other heroes, especially while having so many great 5*, but they are still very important and useful (even moreso than 5* in some cases, considering they can be used for both 4* and 5* raid challenges, and events).
A few of the best: Jackal (if you pull him), Tiburtus (he’s so close, and has a pretty great costume), Merlin (mana control is always amazing), Gretel, Grimm, Peters, Buddy (only defense down in green), Melendor (since he’s close, and healers are always needed + nice costume), Falcon and Triton.
Others worth mentioning: Caedmon, Scarlett, Lancelot, Gafar, Jack and Sonya (especially the costume).
Third, I’d also consider maxing more 3* for that very same purpose (ie events and raid challenges), especially since they don’t take much max. Though, since their use is more limited [than 4*], I wouldn’t make them a priority til you get more 4* leveled. Worth consideration [in the future], as having several maxed leads you to doing better in those RC/events, therefore getting more mats and emblems for your other heroes.
Alright, think I’ve typed enough for one post (lol), so I’ll leave it at that. If you have anymore questions, feel free to shoot, or else good luck on your leveling and happy gaming