You should’ve specified that, because 2-2-1 is color stacking too😁.
I feel the same about mono as you and don’t see it as much of a skill to win a raid with it as it is 100% board dependend and a few combos can charge up all your heroes.
Btw, my go-to setup besides 2-2-1 is 3-2, give it a try
Who would you recommend to ascend beyond 3/70: Red Hood or Mitsuko? I already have Alberich, Mariana, Khiona, Kage, Joon, Delila, Misandra and Magni maxed or being maxed.
Hood. She drives me nuts in comparison to Mitsy. Mana cut is a nice effect and can slow you down but those minions of Hood are… painful when they get going.
With that said I’d hold my rings for April’s (Red) HotM. First real healer 5* tank in my opnion. Sorry Kunch ya just don’t quite stack up mate.
Mits is definitely worth 3/70 for wars against an Alasie or Isarnia. My 1-1 unleveled Mits took out an Alasie last war. That alone made me want to bring her up to a useable level.