Check the boss monsters in Midgard stages (first realm in Season 3). That’s the fast answer. Someone will probably post a link to exactly which areas you can find all the monsters to farm…
Thank you very much.
For 36-9: I’m using:
- C. Sabrina (blocks Gulli’s buffs),
- Seshat/Kage (dispel, but Seshat minions can be a disadvantage),
- Alfrike (cast mindless attack will wipe out Gulli’s special)
- and 2 Guili myself.
The key is the board. If 2 X Gulli can fire fast, the extra boosted health more or less will keep you alive. If you want to be safe, can fill their special and fire once before clicking auto-play.
About 80-90% successful if just let it run by itself.
Thank you… I’m finished with the Asgard stage mission (36-4), Gullinbusrti (36-9).
Now, doing 34-3 for the rest of Wasp.
14.9 was best for me. 5 waves of guys potentially and 2 dark elves guaranteed at the boss level, easy to auto farm on normal. I was getting too many archers on 13.8 and after the king serpents were done, I wanted a level with the extra guys at the last stage
More self documentation
It took ~3.5 months to finish wisps and Gullinbursti. The high cost combined with high number did not make it very fun.
I first did easy and hard mode. I was doing a lot of 36-9 for the first ~100 Gullinbursti. I stopped and opted for 34-3 as it was easier and had more monsters. I rerolled raids specifically looking for Gullinbursti. Thank you to those that use him on defense regularly and in tourneys.
So my work on season 3 is complete!
By the time season four returns with stages 16-18 next month I should be fully caught up with level competition and avatar farming.
Now I have to figure out what I’m going to do with my world energy.
Use harvesters and farm outside of VR?
By the time I finished those I was so low on recruits too. I’ve started using some harvesters catching up the S4 levels and getting my TC2 back up again.
What kind of sick sadists made these missions that have quotas of bosses and enemies that are only in separate levels? In level VI and VII there is no level with both the boss and enemy? Brutal.
Thoughts on this lineup for 36-9 (Golden Wisp & Guli)
Karnov Kageburado Xnolphod Xnolphod Alfrike?
Xnolphod Kageburado Knchen Seshat Alfrike
one pro of having Seshat, is she gets minions which can help whittle down the mobs… though with only 3 minions total I don’t know how much of a diff. that will make…
I’ve tried a new lineup
Xnolphod Kageburado Bera Alfrike Gullin
Currently working fine with auto, any suggestion or adjustment to the lineup? Thanks man
nice! I also (almost) always use Bera in my farming, her minions and their poison can get rid of the mods quite well
I think this is great as is. Minion maker and two healers (including an overheal).
Do you think I can still do adjustments on the lineup? For better result. My winrate for the lineup is like 80% lol
I know you can find information on this on the internet and various graphics but maybe something has changed since then? Where is the best place to farm Lava Bomblets? I have come across the opinion that the best level is 27-6?
I did 27-6 to finish the special stages quest, then got the rest of the bomblets in 25-1 because it takes a lot of runs, and that stage requires one less WE per run there than in later stages.
I’m using 14-9 for Dark Elf Assassins with good result. If anybody have a better stage for farm them, I’m thankful for the info. (yeah, I’m kinda late on missions)
@RebelForces, I found this above the posts
Steve9999In The Puffin Nest
Thanks. I was using 13.8 when I needed the King Serpents as well.
But I think 13.3 might be better if you just want the Dark Elf Asssassins
Thanks for the tip @Steve9999 ! I was using 13-8 as well but will give 13-3 a shot now. I like in 13-8 that the waves can have up to 5 enemies, although usually it feels like mostly archers. Of course I say that and then auto-farm gives me one with 4 assassins lol
Thank you very much dear