This thread is for discussing strategy related to Melendor, as well as your thoughts on Melendor.
Mana Speed
Mana CB
A Average
4/70 +1 Costume +2 Costume +3 Costume
714 749 821 835
586 615 673 685
1000 1100 1200 1220
4/75 +1 Costume +2 Costume +3 Costume
775 813 891 906
637 668 732 745
1087 1195 1304 1326
4/80 +1 Costume +2 Costume +3 Costume
899 943 1033 1051
738 774 848 863
1260 1386 1512 1537
Season 1
Aether Power
Ailment Immunity
At the start of each battle, this Hero is immune to new status ailments for 6 turns. In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
This thread is for thoughts and discussion on Melendor.
Based on preferences Forum members have expressed, please try to stick mainly to Melendor and not wander off topic too much to other heroes.
Some Popular Questions for Discussion
Is Melendor worth summoning for?
Would you use Melendor on Defense? Offense? War? Quests/Events? Titans?
Which heroes on your Roster best pair with Melendor ?
What heroes would you take when facing Melendor as an opponent?
Would you give Melendor Druid Emblems? Which Talent Grid path will you choose?
What do you think of special?
What do you think of Melendor’s character design?
If you Summoned Melendor and would like to post your results, please include some thoughts on why you Summoned Melendor, and whether/how you plan to make use of them.*
*NOTE: Summon Results posted without any commentary/feedback at all should be flagged as Off Topic and removed, based on preferences expressed by the Forum community. Please include some comments about what you think of Melendor when posting Summon Results. In addition to opinions about Melendor, you are also encouraged to include how many Summons it took before receiving Melendor (or how many Summons you’ve done without receiving Melendor), so other players are presented with realistic experiences of the rarity of Epic Event Hero.
What can I say, he’s still a classic hero… still my top Green healer, despite also having C-Kashhrek (only heals adjacent) and Brynhild (ditto, though 2x Brynhild is my preferred in Buff Booster). His costume means I charge him faster than my Ptolemy, too.
He was one of my first 4* and is still one of my most used
After 3+ years of not really using dispellers, because I plow through everything like a savage and stall out every buff; he is my first dispeller I’ve used on a regular basis. When he works he works, when he doesn’t, he’s a sniper meatshield I guess.
He was my first green healer, still using him a few times until today with full emblem + costume and LB.
Waiting for the second costume to appear, hopefully he can compete with the new 4* hero.
Fun fact: if you emblem the costume full defense/hp, the regular version goes full attack, which gives him an absurd attack stat for a 4* healer. As a result, he still makes my green titan team. Hopefully not for long though.
P.s. Are you seriously doing this for all S1 heroes @PlayForFun ? When do you sleep? Thank you, I’m sure it’ll be very useful to new players. I wish I had those back then.
I think that S1 heroes deserve to have their own threads more than Klaern!
And somehow all of those S1 heroes threads listed together with Slayers, Bards or S5 heroes threads make me think that they are still good. Old, tired and very vanilla, but still useful.
I thought to add them because of the new costumes which will arrive shortly.
I will definitely finish the Epic one as new Epic costume(s) will arrive too, but right now I am not sure about the Rare ones.
If Staff will start adding new costumes for them, then they will be added too.
Otherwise I have not decided yet
I use 2 max emblem lb costume mels each and every war. Dispeller healers are invaluable He takes a back seat to c sabina in most cases but it is defense dependant. Vs defense down heroes he has a much higher chance of being selected
my C-Mel laughs at enemy Kunchen, Isarnia, and other defense debuffers as well. I like how relatively tanky he is in costume; and then against Titans, I switch to normal Mel for the higher attack stat
I have him and his costume on max at +20 and LB.
He is really very useful and I still recommend to new players to level him when they get him.
He will serve them well for a long time in their gameplay.
It’s also a yes for emblems - at least to +11 as a minimum
And it’s a yes to LB
I honestly prefer his costume version for healing purposes, but if you don’t have it this hero is not a “wait to get his costume” hero. Super useful regardless.
I generally use base form for titans as his A value is over 900. Pre costume he was my go-to. Very versatile.
Superior Talents have really changed how I look at druids. I used to, without fail, go either costume version for the D boost, etc.
I am really considering re-embleming for the base version side because of how much added durability those minions offer. I also finally summoned some more green healers, so that helps too.
I reemblemed C.Sonya and Caedmon to give them more health and make their minions stronger. I think I still prefer C.Melendor and his superior wizard talent - dispel activates very often and can’t be dodged like dispel from skills (i.e. Kadilen’s dodge).
C.Melendor with defence path gives Melendor attack path, so I guess that when you reemblem Melendor to defence path then C.Melendor will have attack path?
Also Melendor’s 2nd costume should arrive in the beta soon.
I agree that super druids are nice, but I think super wizards are even better, in fact they are among the absolute best super talents, together with fighters, so definitely not switching away from a wizard.
In this case the package deal of the costume is just better than the original, including stats distribution and the def buff.
I know his attack is big for healer… And his costume also… I choose atk path for his costume… Maybe if his second costume come with boost, atk buff, dispell… I will switch it for atk path of second costume.