I can’t find any info about the May new HOTM… Big changes ahead or simply late cause of season 3 ?
Hasn’t been in beta yet. Probably will with one of the next beta versions.
Thanks! I was thinking something like a reboot of hel and old Hotm
I think it’s time to wake up now… seems like you are dreaming.
I doubt they’ll ever bring back old HOTMs other than during AR (and eventually advanced training camps / hero academy. No beta intel on the latter one yet tho.)
Eh, you’re right…
Is there a pattern for when new heroes are usually announced or when Beta gets updated? I don’t know much about that. I’ve just been watching for info on the May monthly every day for a long time now
They typically come in batches — all of the February, March, and April HOTM were tested together.
Likely we’ll see a similar batch of a few at once, starting with the one for May.
Testing typically begins a few weeks to a couple months before release of the first HOTM in the batch.
So we’ll likely see them enter Beta some time between this week, and a month from now.
FYI: Here’s the first version of the upcoming May 2020 HOTM: 🧪 Early Information on the May 2020 HOTM (Clarissa)
Wonderful! Thank you!
Moderator Translation - Guvnor
I’m praying for a good hero to come out hopefully the one of the month Empires hope you listen to me and read Thanks i already had too many 3-star heroes
Estoy rezando para que me salga un héroe buen ojala el del mes Empires ojalas me escuches y leas gracias ya tube demasiados héroes de 3 estrellas