Maxing Aeron - my next purple 5*?

Hey guys,
I have another question, this time it’s not about emblems, it’s a more basic question about who to level up next.

I’m talking about my problem-colour, purple (or dark)!
So far, I only have one maxed 5*, Kunchen. He is doing really great in my defense team but I don’t really have any purple hitter at all… By the way I am specifically talking about 5* heroes here because I have almost all purple 4’s* (event and vanilla) maxed already. So 4’s are not really an issue here.

My problem is that dark is my weakest elements lacking heavy hitters and I have problems assembling a strong purple core against hardcore teams. By now I have almost 12 Tabards and many candidates but non is really a problem solver.

Maybe you can help me to decide if one of the following heroes could be worth ascending to the final tier!

I have: Aeron, Obakan, Quintus and Domitia.

What I don’t have is sartana or any other purple Sniper…

Should I level any of the above mentioned heroes or better wait for a good Sniper?

Hmmm Aeron isn’t really a hitter, he’s pure support. But given the other 5 star heroes, he’s the best choice long term…

What about your 4 star purple heroes? Do you have Tiburtus or Proteus?

If you really, really want a hitter, Domitia is okay. She’s average speed, but dispelling 3 targets can be useful against heroes like Ares or Khiona.

I’d still do Aeron myself.

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Aeron was my first maxed 5* and I use him all the time. That said, I don’t have Kunchen (or any of the shiny heroes, I’m F2P).

If you want a purple hitter Domitia may be a better choice as Aeron basically would be a second healer for you. Or wait for Sartana. Quintus is very meh.

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Quintus and Obakan are some of the worst 5* in the game. Aeron is quite nice and easily the best of the 4 you have now. Domitia is okay but not great.

If you have 12 tabards I’d ascend Aeron for sure.

Domitia for the last 6 vs waiting for a better option is a tough call. I’d lean towards waiting.

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Of course as soon as you raise Domitia you’ll pull Sartana :rofl:

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