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You are absolutely right
Thanks for telling thĂ© truth, and rip to you, coz now they will probable ban you and curse your in game account with ■■■■ Heroes pull only to Punish you, likĂ© all dictator if you stand UP against thĂšm you have a bad ending

Where else will you be able to hunt for Myz?!? Of the sleepless nights :joy:

And Enigmo?! :grin:


ToL is taking a “well-deserved” break.

Well, that’s good I guess. I am looking forward to the break from pulling S1 3*'s.

Oh, wait 

Tavern of legends is back next week. What happened to the announced break?


Maybe they are writing up a “what we have changed” post, hopefully along with them changing return to sanctuary difficulty

Or maybe it’s because they gave us all Legend coins from MI so they thought “oh sh!t, we better squeeze it back in so we don’t get much more hate” (yeah the last part is not going to ever be true, they don’t care if they get hate haha)

My bet is it’s just a lack of communication between teams, and they’ll fix the calendar when they eventually figure it out


I have asked it from Staff. We will see.


Called it, zero communication between the teams

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Now it’s announced I hope it will come, because I’m always happy with a few extra free pulls

Cheapskates returned this event so that they don’t need to reimburse us with MI coins

well to be fair, i dont want MI coins now the portal has gone, and if we have to wait another month or more then i’d prefer this option, or maybe Mi coins and give us the portal for 12 - 24 hours

They should have given the MI coins to us asap in the mail

I agree, but sadly now it’s way too late although keep the Tavern coins AND when the next Mi is eventually here, give us 100 coins for a free pull would be nice

Tavern of legend taking a break? Taking an nap sounds better.
But what do I care about my chatter from yesterday? :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
Great Job SG :joy: :rofl: :joy:

What the heck does any of this mean? Is the break cancelled? Will Tavern go on break after this one that was scheduled accidentally? Or was this the actual break and the plan all along?


It means someone made a mistake, either with the calendar, or the announcement or the monster Island loot, and instead of just admitting it they wrote that nonsense


Lol bravo SG in that msg! :+1:t2:

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“if you have any spare legends coins” yeah, they mean the ones where they gave us during the MI event instead of MI coins?


same till end and after read it still don’t know what is conclusion and what is purpose and result of this message :sweat_smile: