[Master] -- šŸ‘» Soul Exchange

Exactly how I have been using herā€¦for attack in raids , perhaps you had meant not for defence, 'cause when I see her on defence, Iā€™ll drop mine, and either prevent her buff, to which her monk can raise hand sometimes or copy her skillā€¦but on offence I found her very usefulā€¦particularly the buff extending part, healing and her crits.

I hardly used her on Titansā€¦that Sharkie though a neutral color does far betterā€¦

Is she worth 20 souls, I canā€™t really say!
Personally I value heroes in exchange based on my need and how I will use them versus the number cards I have for the exchangeā€¦


His passive is most of his thing. I never limit broke him so heā€™s my third hitter. Only use him with minion teams but is essential for them

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Use sharkie and phenexa is also good. Reset buff sharkie with add on attack up!

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Iā€™m half tempted to get him just to pair him with gobling Rocket so i can annoy everyone who attacks me


I have mine at 85 and Iā€™ve always loved him. Heā€™s essential for minion control. Bring him to 90 with full emblems and he will be well worth 15 souls

Wow maybe people are not using phenexa in raids offensively the way i am? Double LB max emblems and sheā€™s a superstar. Bard hero buff adjustments helped. Well worth 20. Sheā€™ll be valuable to me for some time. Plus sheā€™s in my titan team and helpful there. Overall great hero imo


They donā€™t matter to me, and no - that should not matter, it shouldnā€™t trigger the damage as thatā€™s exactly what they removedā€¦ ailments replacing ailments and then triggering the damage.

If for some reason it works like that currently and they keep it then everyone may as well uninstall the game, Iā€™ll be doing just that by the end of the year because they canā€™t even do something properly - there are still loopholes to trigger damage which isnā€™t fair to those who canā€™t, an absolute mess of a company.


Iā€™d take her still if she was 20ā€¦

Worth it especially if you donā€™t already have Ludwig or a similar taunter.

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Phenexa and Ludwig do not go well together. When Phenexa fires, she resets Ludwigā€™s mana buff back to the first charge so team mates get less mana. Ludwigā€™s buff increases each turn, donā€™t forget. You donā€™t want to reset that.


How? How you take someone that isnā€™t part of the Soul Exchange? lol


You must be new to the forum. Welcome!

@MightyBombJack is actually SG employee and as such he gets better offerings for his account.


Yes itā€™s true, but itā€™s a secret, we donā€™t talk about it


Dang. In that case, maybe I can ask for better offerings as well. May I get Ruby and costume in my Soul Exchange? No need to test in beta, just create it and push it straight to live with costume debut in Soul Exchange. What better way to sucker people out of 20 souls, right?

Cause you know ninja costumes are coming. Small Giant just has a lot to cycle through before getting to them. We getting a costume for everyone and their mother around here. Season 6 heroes already getting them. but I digress. Ruby costume in the exchange and Iā€™ll be good.


I forgot to add some kind of laughing emoji and got kinda worried someone may not get the joke but we do this kind of 6hit from time to time with @MightyBombJack :grimacing:

Sorry it had to be on your back, but i saw an opportunity and took advantage of it :sweat_smile:

For the record, i checked your forum history, i knew youā€™ve been around for a while. I didnā€™t think youā€™d fall for it but did you actually do? :sweat_smile:

Or you are playing me now? :sweat_smile:
In that case let me bring the machine gun.


Haha no itā€™s true I am an employee, @Pr0spero can vouch for me!


No, I tested it, after the latest change the defense buff replace the defense down without trigger It. I tested It with Vivica, She didnā€™t trigger Starwalker anymore

Yes, you are right, details matter a lot and Queen Anne skills are a good counter for Starwalker/Pepperflam and others like that, Its replace the defense down and protect ALL without trigger

I think you help me a lot to make my choice, thanks!!!


on offense, I can dictate when she goes offā€¦ but defensively, I agree.

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Phenexa for meā€¦ Fits in with several different teams. Which gives me decent flexibility. Minion, counterattack, and a Ludwig based team.

I presume as heroes continue to get crazierā€¦ She should pair well with them as well.



So who do you prefer? QA or Ludwig?

I love your teams. Really well thought through.