Soul Exchange 10
I usually post it when the SE goes live, but I won´t have time this time, so here comes the guide a bit early based on the best info available. Will update later if necessary.
My view on this is from that of a Top 200 alliance player. At my level more heroes are playable than in the Top 20, but I am mostly interested in heroes that make me better, not that keep me floating where I already am. And I suggest the same view for everybody, no matter where they are at. The big guys obviously don´t care much about anything here, they´ll probably select something for the museum or a triplet for a hero that they like both copies they already have. Players in lower parts of the game will have more heroes of interest, but since they pay the same price I would still suggest to look at the best hero possible, rather than something that is affordable and barely good enough for a top 1000 alliance war.
Just like last time, I find the selection this time rather complex, there are many heroes that can be useful, but there is not 1 clear must-choose-hero like Ludwig and Milena were.
So generally speaking, what is a good hero to pick from SE (or same principal at a lower level also in Fated Summons)?
A hero that is simply super strong (very rare in SE/FS)
A hero that fills a specialized niche, but is otherwise useless. (Usually the option for people with a higher quality roster)
Most importantly: a hero that makes you better at something that you want to be better at. And that can be nearly anything depending on interests.
And generally speaking what is a bad hero to pick? A pure damage based hero, because those get outdated the fastest and since all heroes in SE and more so FS are already old, you start out with something that is outdated by the time you get it. So better pick a hero with a timeless skill, that doesn´t degrade as fast over time.
Now for this current selection:
10 souls: Unlike most of the previous selections, this time there are actually a few viable choices in this category. Usually my recommendation is to save up more heroes for next time, or for those that have more heroes, to look into the higher categories. But let´s see what we got this time:
Chakkozroth: Skip it, horrible choice, absolutely no pick.
Matilda: Intersting choice. Fun hero that might be the one for people that already have a lot of heroes and have no real need for anyone in this selection. With this hero you can build a fun team around DoT! So go for it if you don´t have any big needs for other heroes!
Silvaria: nearly as bad as the purple one, stay away at all costs!
Erebus: Now we are coming to the interesting choices: A sniper with good damage (relatively) and at super speed (6 tiles!) The minion removal effect to 1 target usually is not that amazing, but when you consider Mega-Minions it´s maybe more interesting. The skill only removes only 50% of the mega minion, but at 6 tiles plus the additional damage that is better than most I would say
Himeros: My top choice at 10. very fast, priority dispel, OK sniper hit and a buff to nearby allies makes a very neat package. A good hero to have in your toolbox especially against taunters and other nasty buff heroes.
15 souls: Nice variety of heroes that can be useful in their respective niches.
Nyx: Great allround hero, can be a decent purple tank if you don´t have one yet. Good speed, nice buffs/ailments. Good choice!
Laohu: Some people liked an OK Xiaotu last time, this one is way better. Fast speed makes him an actually OK sniper, but of course as always it´s all about that anti-minion passive. If you don´t have a lunar hero yet, this is the one to go for.
Queen Anne: An interesting hero, but at slow speed mostly a hero for rush settings. Similar to Ludwig, but not even close to as good as the original. However taunt is a very strong skill and if you don´t have another one, this might be the one for you.
Barkley: If you need a hero for the def, this is a good choice, but remember damage based heroes (like this one) loose the most value over time.
Miriam&Midnight: The once number 1 meta tank is now (2 nerfs and 2 years later) the worst possible choice in the entire SE! Well she isn´t worse than the other 2, but she is more expensive and certainly not appreciably better, so my number 1 pick from the bottom end (literally and figuratively).
20 Souls: Good news is: None of them suck
Guardian Panther Costume: Without checking the facts I would bet, this is the hero with the best stats (and really the only one that has somewhat current stats) in this selection. The second plus is: You can get another copy from FS if you pick this costume. Besides that you are also looking at a very good hero. Fast speed, hits all with decent (for old heroes) damage, EDD (which will never be out of fashion, even if it was nerfed a while ago) and the buff block is what I like maybe most of all. As a bonus you can also use the base version instead, if you want a dispeller (or if you pick the second copy from FS, you can use one for dispel and one for buff block in addition). If you like options, this is the one!
Jequn: Another good choice for defence! At very fast speed you can put him exactly anywhere in the lineup and it´ll never be a bad idea Definitely an annoying critter to deal with.
Green Knight: One of those damage based heroes I keep talking about. The combo of DD first, hit second is fun! The bonus effect on revive is super strong, but not that easy to work with. Makes a good choice for a defensive tank!
Phenexa: Definitely one of the absolutely best heroes this time and one that is absolutely impossible to go wrong with. Would be my first choice without blinking, if I had any red mats to spare (or at least if I didn´t have a red bench 3 heroes deep). Why do I think she´s best? Well as I said damage heroes are second choice, which makes healers first choice :D, She´s got a %heal (which is great), she also is a bard (those 5% mean you can still fire fast heroes with legendary troops in 7 tiles instead of loosing a tile, or you can bring some special fast heroes down to 6 tiles instead). In addition she has more buffs: Attack boost, Crit (titan, if you don´t have a meta titan team) and a buff renewal. So many things and all of them can be of use!
Tinsel: one of the best Christmas heroes (together with Krampus). Fast speed and a decent hit 3 (well damage lol), but she also does DD and she lowers enemy accuracy (both depend on blue tiles). Again all those things probably make her especially good on defence. What does make her deserve getting circled? The nerf we just had Just pointing out that at current her DD (because tile dependant) can still trigger all the Pophits/Starwalkers/etc. I am guessing it´s just an oversight by SG quality control (sorry couldn´t resist), but who knows, maybe they are too lazy to fix this? If you like gambling (well since you play this game, I guess you do), might bet on SG being lazy
If you don´t, well feel free to remove the circle and treat her like the other decent to good choices.
Overall best hero, if you can´t decide on your own who to pick: Phenexa! There´s just no downside here!
Best deal: Himeros at 10 with a 20 soul quality.
20 Souls: All of them are worth 20, But panther and Phenexa stand out.
15 Souls: Nyx and Laohu stand out, but except M&M (who isn´t even worth 10), all are worth 15.
10 Souls: Himeros is the best choice, but even Erebus is worth 10, Matilda gets a special mention for most fun hero
Purple: CGuardianPanther
Yellow: Laohu
Red: strongest color this time! Phenexa is the best out of 3 good red heroes.
Green: No must have, maybe Queen Anne is the better deal at 15 over Green Knight.
Blue: Tinsel and Himeros are both good choices.
Feel free to add or disagree as much as you like
In case you are new and don´t know the abbreviations:
SE = Soul Exchange
FS = Fated Summon
EDD = Elemental Defense Down
DD = Defense Down
I hope that covers it.