For anyone who’s stuck on what to think so far, here is my brutally honest breakdown, it is not based on personal needs and the all-round usage of the heroes:
Nyx - Meh, nothing special
Laohu - If you don’t have a LNY hero with the minion passive, it may be worth it picking up, otherwise not worth it.
Matilda - Worth it if you have other DoT heroes to pair with her.
Chakkoszrot - Not worth it
Guardian Panther Costume - If you have none of the other worth-it ones, GP C isn’t bad and could be worth it, certainly useable, though for me she’d be the last one I’d consider taking.
Himeros - His time has passed, there are better options.
Jequn - Personally don’t like him at all.
Barkley - Worth it, good damage potential, decent passive.
Erebus - Not worth it.
Phenexa - Worth it.