[MASTER]- Mega Merge Random stuff etc🎉

I did ask staff a while ago this…

Trying to make it fair for all folk … Like if someone new posts for the first time an idea, instead of merging straight away id rather it got a bit of traction as topic could be old and there new eyes on the forum may chime in as not seen the topic before .

If i merged straight away it could put the new poster off coming back to the forum aswell.
Whats wrong with waiting 24 hours on certain situations :woman_shrugging:


Nothing. But as you can see, oh great dragon, being nice is not appreciated. :smirk:


Well, its also the problem that when merging the new comment may now be the final post in a thread with 2000 other comments. Nobody is reading all of that :sweat_smile:

24 hours at least gives it some time to be seen before being buried.


The old post does go top of what ever section of the forum the topic was made in.
But yes correct if you haven’t read it before you will start from the top.
If you have read it before it will start from when you last visted that topic.

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Yeah, as ive only been here 18 months there are a lot of topics i havent read. If it looks manageable, ill read it all.

Once they pass 500 posts that’s a firm no. And as I hate getting half the conversation and dont understand the newer posts that reference much earlier posts, I usually just abandon the whole thing :man_shrugging:

If a subject hasnt been touched in a year or two, I wouldn’t be against letting it stand alone rather than being merged. Things change, the old info may be less relevant.

That said, im not a mod and totally concede to what you guys think is best. You do a great job :grin:

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I believe they plague-rized the song title from story about a girl who one-shotted both her parents. She was quoted as giving the reason for this: I don’t like Mondays.

The whole song is about that incident. Not plagiarized when that story is the subject matter.

And actually, she shot up a school, not her parents.

@sleepyhead :rofl:


I love this gif.
It never occurred to me from watching the movie how guys that were around Vader’s remote strangling, were trying to look busy.
Anybody else do that when the boss shows up?

But watching the gif repeat is hilarious. The guy on the headset notices the man drop,
but also seems keenly aware to just sit there and not help. Like it’s just another day at the office.

They must have had a really nice retirement package.

And all neatly tied-up as self education in a sg/Zynga vent.

Brilliant, as always!


@Spice :smiley: I hope it’s random, I don’t want to have to remember how to spell that…

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Not me getting the merge notification and thinking I was in trouble :rofl: glad to see all is well here :wink:


Alot of new topics are either same complaining sadly or ideas for content that has been discussed before.
Iv said before the forum been around a long time it is pretty tricky to get that brand new discuisson or idea …“simpsons did it”

It does happen

With heros and troops game info the infomation will never get that old. Sure is guinevere the no1 tank no, her info is still there for someone to look at and ask folk what they should do if they pull her (without costume) people will chime in to help.


“Awww, you sweet summer child!”

I ask what rule e&p community forms and what power leader moderator mean .group and tag mean full details given ,ya give e&p community forms rule book any .and all punishment details

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not given details i read game e&p community forms rule see about thank you

Hi how can i help :blush:

If your asking about how people are punished if they break the rules.
It will start as a waring , silenced , suspended , banned.
It all depends on how bad the situation is aswell.

I ask one question all members see all people emailname is public ya private type

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You can hide your email

Go into your profile . Click on the clog

Scroll down and you be albe to edit it there to private

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Write primary ,no show public,altr how hide

Share my profile screen short