[Master Discussion] - Zynga Store

As I said in beta… wouldn’t mind it if all the offers moved to the Zynga store.

The plain gem purchases from ingame shop are just so not worth it, especially in reality where the game serves you multiple offers per day, where beside the gems, you also get various goods. The discount from the shops doesn’t make these plain gem purchases any bit more attractive.

I don’t see buying anything from it like ever… The only target customers for it may be the fattest of whales when they are chasing the new 0.05% hero with whatever hundreds of pulls it may take (like here: [WARNING] A Summons Experience Vol 2 -- Chasing NINJAS... Whatever the cost).


They said

A better value for our players ….

It’s not… I can go off it …

You can buy vip pov every Atlantis and challenge offer and it’s .005 cents usd… I guess if you bought up all the offers
Then you could use this…

But it’s still not a deal …

It’s a deal for them

If you have google play you get dollar and 5 dollar off deals which totally ruin this offer.

It’s fine

It helps some ppl who want to buy more

It helps some ppl that want to buy in other countries


But don’t say it’s a good deal when it’s not… just no.

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You’re good I think math has nothing to do with your play style lol :joy: :panda_face::two_hearts:

did they answor you in beta?

I hope this new store will be enjoyed by the player segment it’s meant for. It would be interesting to see what kind of impact it will have on the other offers. :blush:


:astonished: How? Where? I’ve never seen such thing …

I buy gems from the shop because the offers aren’t enough for the amount of pulls I want to do. I welcome it and from my perspective, it is a discount. Cheers!


Tbh, the rhythm of the game lately is specifically tailored for those big spenders for some time, so I’m not surprised there are benefits also designed primarily for them.

Nice move by Zynga, whales would love the 10% more gems. As to regular players who mainly buy the better offers instead of tons of gems straight from shop, nothing really happens.


Tea chill …the store has better offers then in shop thats it … Sure the deals in events and other places are better for folk per gem wise …

@Suicide_Bunny post saying about everydeal being there could be something they working towards (pure speculation on my part).
But also sgg want the game available on google play, so they gotta keep them happy in some way of transactions of cash …
Its not for me the store but could be for some folk :whale2:


Unless I missed it, there needs to be a link to this store in-game.

Not sure all :whale: are aware.

A dolphin like me would appreciate it, or is it not allowed in App Store t’s and c’s.

It’s the point!
That’s why they sell more gems for the same price sold within the stores (Apple, Google,…)

I would also be very happy to see these offers with more items for the same price or the same promotions from within the game for a lower price.

You finally have a chance to
Build amyour own store and offer new and improved deals and what do we get?

A 10% bonus that’s still worse than most of the offers from events!

Thanks master for The consideration, but I think I’ll head north to freedom.

I’ve had these deals sent to me occasionally, but it is only if you haven’t made any purchases in the Play Store for a period of time. And I don’t mean just game purchases, but anything billed through the Play Store. Also, for the coupons you have to spend at least that much. For example, if you had the $1 deal offered you couldn’t just use it for one of the $0.99 special offers. You’d have to then spend some of your own money to get the discount. This is great if you were going to make a purchase in the Play Store over the coupon amount already, or have Play Points to use in conjuction. But, I have left the coupons they sent out to me unused more times then I have used them :rofl::nerd_face:

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Agree with this - but I’m annoying cause I did so many Solstice pulls yesterday and had this had been released a day earlier I would have gotten so many additional gems lol :dizzy_face:

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Unless they have offers for like 1-5$, as it should be for pixels in a mobile game, I’m not interested.

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Didn’t even work for me anyway, oh well.

Zynga brand name for mobile games.

Take Two brand name for PC n console games

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That’s probably still dicey. Unless Zynga came to an agreement with Apple/Google on sales being diverted to proprietary portals

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I got in. Set up now on my gaming device : iOS Safari. Haven’t done transaction yet cos those offers are just bad. Compared to the event offers.

If it ever features a stupendous offer, I may bite. Using PayPal. Along the lines of 20,000 gems for us$99.99 :rofl::joy: