[Master Discussion] - Empires and Puzzles Store Free Weekly Offers Tracking


Today Staff have announced they will be start to add free weekly offers to the brand new Empires & Puzzles Store

See the announcement here:


The Purpose of this topic is to track the free offers what we can get from this new store.
The Empires & Puzzles Store will be restocked with a new weekly gift and new special offers every Monday at 08:00 UTC from next week onwards.

# Date Image Offer Content
1 2022-11-22T07:00:00Z 350 Gems
2 2022-11-28T08:00:00Z offer2 25 Dunes Coin
3 2022-12-05T08:00:00Z 25 Atlantis Coin
4 2022-12-12T08:00:00Z 25 Valhalla Coin
5 2022-12-19T08:00:00Z 25 Underwild Coin
6 2022-12-24T08:00:00Z 100 Covenant Coin, 1 EHT, 1 ETT
(Chistmas Extra Free Offer)
7 2022-12-26T08:00:00Z offer2 25 Dunes Coin
8 2023-01-02T08:00:00Z offer2 25 Dunes Coin
9 2023-01-09T08:00:00Z 25 Atlantis Coin
10 ? 2023-01-16T08:00:00Z 25 Valhalla Coin
11 ? 2023-01-23T08:00:00Z 25 Underwild Coin

Lines marked with ? are just my guesses based on the repeation pattern.

:link: Related topics


need this to remind me each monday to take my fifr


Lol time to set an alarm for Monday


Thanks for adding this! Looking forward to what all the weekly rewards will be. Great to see SG adding freebies.

Hi @PlayForFun,
Perhaps one clarification is needed here:

So, the team wrote 08:00 UTS, not 07:00 UTS as you have.
Who’s wrong, you or them?

Your work here is amazing! I sincerely thank you for this :raised_hand: :slight_smile:


You are right I have updated the time section of the free offers.

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This is the free offer of the week :slight_smile:


I got the free 350 gems some time ago.
Now I wanted to collect the Dune coins but it seems I can’t make it work.

If I click on the offer in the zynga store, I get a QR code and that’s it.
I tried starting the game right after having clicked, then tried having the game started before clicking, closed every apps, etc etc.

Nope :frowning:

Am I the only one?

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Open the browser on your phone. It’s pretty finicky about what browser you use and what settings you have on it. From the site, it will ask you to log into the game. Do that. Chrome works for me, with no ad blocker or anything running in the background. They’re not very forgiving when it comes to what you usually do.

I used Safari (I’m on an iPad).
Anyways, right after having posted, I finally got a yellow banner at the top of the page saying “Connect” which finally did the trick.

Pretty unreliable, if they want to promote the Zynga store as a primary method of purchase they should improve it. I, for one, would be suspicious and would worry if my purchase would be ok or not.


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Agree with that. Purchases through a site like that are always suspicious in my book. Not worth a 10% bonus at all. Most of what they’re trying to do with these “gifts” is get us over that suspicion and it’s backfiring on them because they haven’t made a professional job out of it.

Did not manage to connect myself. Oh, well…

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I was never able to claim my free 350 gems before. No matter which browser I used, and what settings I did, it always says that I “need to use my default browser” even if I already made my Chrome my default browser. Tried clearing the cache and cookies and tried over and over, same issue. So, I still haven’t claimed any free stuff from the newly launched store. :upside_down_face:


oh my god…what a travesty is this all.i didnta get my 350 gems.the same here.in some point they let me in when i wesnt in another device and get the 25 dunes.but now it cant opern the game.it goes directly to the store and it tells me all these things aboy the browser and shuts down the game. it is a oneway street …i cannot start the game and i am gonna quit it

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please find me a solution

p.s. for me, no in-game message. i found out from friends



asking @moderators @staff to pin it. thx

Clicked it and opened game, then it said check your inbox in game, but I didnt get anything.

You’ll get as a popup in game, not in game message.


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