šŸ”µ [Master Discussion] -- Trials of Justice - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

C.Boldtusk +19 - Cyprian +3 - Wilbur +16ish - C.Tiburtus +20 - Wukong +6/7

I finished the trial with only Cyprian alive. Well, riposte served its purpose. Apart from Joon, both Justice and Richard committed suicide in the end. Hoped in Wilbur+Wu combo, but after the first turns i couldnā€™t charge Wukong anymore.

Emblems stored for now. Paladin will go to Sonya, monk have too many contenders. Trainer to Malosi


Beat it in a hurry with no pic. Team was Richard +15, Justice, Joon +13ish, c-Boldtusk +20, and c-Boril.

First time using c-Boril and it was cool. I know the percentage on his riposte is lower, but covering everyone is great. All 3 bosses died on it eventually. :+1:

That team @Guvnor ! You are a glutton for punishment! :laughing: Makes me hear the song ā€œSlow Rideā€ in my head ā€¦



twas actually surprisingly quick.

Between the overheal from Heimdall & Minions from Telluria there wasnā€™t an issue with incoming damage.

Then with Tarlak up & the attack buff (plus a good colour stack) the tiles were killing the enemies real quick!

Iā€™m actually staritng to have a lot of fun with these trials, though I really should stop doing them because I keep on getting new trainers before I actually dump the older ones Iā€™ve been keeping for my 5* heroes and some of the 4* heroes I get from Valhalla and Events.

And a reminder that I should consider finding a possible full team healer thatā€™s either a paladin or monkā€¦ that I can actually obtain. I doubt Rafaele will ever enter my space, or Aeron. Or maybe I should start a second Boldtuskā€¦

Done. Completed with my usual team. Saved the trainer hero just in case I get a nice pull from Valhalla


Same team, sort of
Took out 3rd Bjorn for C Tiburtis
One Bjorn is now +8
Not bad board to start

And no items used this time whooo, and a Triple kill with Bjorn +8 thanks to Wilbur

In a hole as to whom to level up so all loot saved

2nd team only went to 2nd round, cant afford to make bombs :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Im not sure why Joon didnt get the shared damage of 188?? Any thoughts?

Justice team

Compared to last time, Frida+19 replaced Clarissa+18 (guess where Frida got her emblems from :wink: ).

If youā€™re wondering about color, for every trial I try to have:

  • an attack buffer
  • a defense debuffer
  • AoE/hit-3 hitter
  • sniper

and of course any trial specific hero that would be advantageous (mana controller, dispeller, buff blocker etc).

Obviously this isnā€™t always possible, but from experimenting Iā€™ve found the above combination tends to output the most damage even if colors arenā€™t the most favorable, and as such Iā€™ve completely done away with stacking the strong color in favor of fulfilling the above 4 hero slots. So far itā€™s worked quite well, and as an added bonus I now donā€™t have to overthink these trials too much.


Think that 66 point shared from the first hit was enough to kill him. So he didnā€™t share the 2nd damage. Who did you target with Bjorn?


My team this time:

  • Chef Boldtusk +20
  • Wilbur +20
  • Guardian Falcon +18
  • Thorne +16
  • Joon +19

Still not happy with my lineup for this trial. Going a little more purple heavy with Zulag last time didnā€™t impress much, so this time I swapped her out for Wilbur and KISS Tiburtus +20 out for Guardian Falcon for a red-heavy approach. Tile damage is crap for my three reds, but amplified with Chef Boldtuskā€™s attack up, Wilburā€™s def down, and Falconā€™s elemental def down, Iā€™m hoping it works. Also, Joon is up two talents over last time.

Mob waves went down peacefully. Took down an entire wave with BT + Wilbur + Falcon + Thorne. Wasnā€™t able to preserve my yellow diamond for the bosses, but I had a blue one ready. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged. The blue diamond recharged Thorne, and two specials from him at -44% defense ainā€™t a bad way to start. Got just enough red tiles to keep my red trio active for most of the fight, and even though most of my good red matches ended up under Richard, who is strong to red, the damage was still decent. Each boss fired once, but Wilburā€™s special mitigated those beautifully. Ended up finishing the fight with the satisfying triple-boss kill fromā€¦ Guardian Falcon? :confused::man_shrugging: Oh, well. This lineup worked better than I thought it would. May give it another run next time. Could even throw Costume Colen into the mix next time, as he should be maxed by then. Weā€™ll see.

Trainer hero to Costume Justice. No idea what to do with paladin or monk emblems right now. Could finish Thorne or continue Zulag with paladin. Best options for monk are Wu (who I already stripped once) andā€¦ Bane? Maybe Valhalla next week will bring me something good.


Took this one change lixiu out joon in.
Not as good as last time used more items health and time stop and antidote.
My timing was way off kinda got hit with specials with riposte not active or wilbur share damage.
Lost joon well early in the boss stage. Oh well.

Emblems in storage. Trainer saved too.


last time:

this time:
Wukong+7 - C.BT +19 - Cyprian +3 - C.BT +15 - Wilbur +18

A bit difficult today, cause first wave of Wukongā€™s raid went missing and then he and Cyprian got killed. Still finished using just a couple manapots to speed up healing of remaining heroes. I struggle to find the right formation for this trial, a plan B for when Wu+Wilbur wonā€™t work.

Paladin will keep going to Sonya. Monk have too many options available (Joon, Santa, a bunch of 4 and 3*). Trainer went to Vivica.


This trial reminds me that I coulda used cBoldtusk but then remember that Iā€™ve used Boldtusk in literally everything and would rather not. And that I should probably at least keep Ares at 3/70.

Still fun to be able to finish these trials with what I have though:

Wu Kong (+10) / Wilbur (+10) / Ares / Cyprian (+10) / Joon (+10)

This time around, I switched out Li Xiu with my finally maxed Joon. Wasnā€™t too bad. Never do go into the last stage with antidotes, so I was barely surviving with Wilbur, Joon, and Cyprian. Worth it! Got the emblems and the holy trainer that will probably go into Vivica for something else.


First time to beat a Trialsā€™ quest last chapter.

For the final fight brought cIsshtak (20), Ei-Dunn, Sonya, Cyprian (18) and cBoldtusk (14).

Turns out easier than I thought, probably mostly because Boldtusk was there to heal the team.

Brought minor mana pots, axes, dragon attacks and bombs to be able to finish the bosses if something goes horribly wrong.

Turns out it was easier than I thought, only used up almost all of my minor mana pots for Boldtuskā€™s heals and Cyprianā€™s riposte once.

cIsshtakā€™s initial debuff was extremely helpful vs the bosses with the carefully prepared board with one red and one green crystal, and one purple along the way (started the boss fight by making it).

If I didnā€™t have Ei-Dunn, Iā€™d probably bring Tyrum along - heā€™s almost as tanky as a 4* hero.

Bosses killed themselves for the most part vs Cyprianā€™s Riposte.

Trainer saved (no yellow 4* as of yet, only one maxed out) - not really in the mood to use it on cDawa or cGan-Ju.

Paladin emblems probably will start going to Sonya, but I will give Cyprian another try to go for that costume of his next month before I decide because then Iā€™d bang my head against the wall for not giving him that 2% mana bonus to make him fasterā€¦ Monk emblems stockpiled, not having anyone worthy of them at the moment.



I made a mistake choosing two red and two yellow heroes for this trial.

I had to use one time stop and some mana potions.


Trainer will go to Uraeus, paladin emblems for QoH and the monk ones will be saved.

Good luck and take care. :wink:


This was pretty much simple for me. I used 1 minor antidote.

cTiburtus / Wilbur +19 / cBoldtusk +19 / cTiburtus +18 / Clarissa +18

Yellow trainer was perfect to receive as I had Uraeus on 4/79, and needed it to finish him

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Richard, so the the second hit did more damage to a yellow, but that didnt matter as Wilbur had them covered.
That makes sense, first hit must of killed him

Team Last Time

Team This Time

No changeā€¦


No items usedā€¦ :muscle: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Emblem keep both for now. Trainer also keep, need one more darts badly!

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Changed up this time, back to blues, but im going back to Bjornā€™s next time as i thought they did better lol
Also leveled 2nd Tibs costume and Sonya

Aegir helped a bit but had to revive and scored a blue diamond

Loot saved


Changed it up significantly this time due to Dr. Moreau:

Board dried up towards the end and both Joon and Justice fired one after another, but thankfully Joon hit Dr. Moreau and he only took 600 or so damage (!!) due to his passive skill. Justiceā€™s hit though meant I had to use an antidote, so unfortunately not a perfect run.

At this point Richard is almost certainly to lose his emblems since I he only sees occasional action for war, and even then itā€™s probably only about 20% of the time, so canā€™t justify having him at +18 when Dr. Moreau would benefit so much more.