Zeline and Adohan out … Milena and Lotl in … No items …
Wizard storage … Fighter panther trainer unsure
Zeline and Adohan out … Milena and Lotl in … No items …
Wizard storage … Fighter panther trainer unsure
Awesome! Some times the same combos become a crutch in some ways.
I beat it with this team:
Merlin 75 +20
Lancelot 75 + 20
Magni w/ CB +20
Glenda 85 +20
Tyr +3
Lately I have been doing this kick on these with a “no healer” challenge. I don’t count self heal of say Leo, Elkanen, Tyr, etc.
Anyway, this team works well. I set Lancelot by Merlin mostly for the mana boost given most other are fast. Glenda boosted Tyr damage. Magni was the huge winner. On top of costume bonus, +20 A path, he got +48% attack from Lancelot and +40 to his special damage from Glenda. His is was a trip on the Pain Train.
I ended up using like 3 medium health pots and a minor antidote. Glenda cleansed, so that saved some. Tyr is still new to me and I let him die with his special active on purpose. Pops right back up!
Ulmer fired 3 times I think. Balthazar once. I stilling haven’t figured out how to wipe out bosses immediately a/la @Noble_Weasel who can wipe one out on an opening special salvo Someday?
It was a fun team.
Tyr went to +3 after stage 1. Not enough for Sartana’s next node.
Actually, I meant the specials plus the first diamond I popped. I do have a goal, though, of one day killing a boss with only my opening specials. I think my best chance is Lianna in the Trials of Serenity. I’m getting closer. I’m hoping that I can get Tahir in August, and he might be enough to put me over once he’s emblemed up and limit broken, but who knows?
So, I decided to try out Ilmarinen at 3/70 here today:
He’s got really good stats for a 3/70, and I figured Arco could provide all the additional protection necessary.
No items used. Not sure really what I think of Ilmarinen, but I had a hard time getting red tiles after the opening salvo, and all the debuffs wore off and it took a while to charge everyone again. It really took a while to finish, but i was never in any serious danger thanks to Arco mainly. After the second round of specials, the bosses were all pretty beat up. This didn’t sell me on Ilmarinen’s abilities though. I’ll probably wait till i get 12 rings to max him, because he’ll probably only see use for rush and titans. My only other option for rings right now though is Nemo.
Fighters saved, Wizards probably to Isarnia, Trainer to Merlin.
Boldtusk / Junaid / Elena / Proteus / Sartana
I used a couple of minor mana and health pots today,
I usually use green and purple but decided to try something different
My team this time:
Since last time, I got Magni’s costume in HA 10 and started to level it.
Basically still just posting here for continuity, as this trial is no longer a challenge. Mob waves went down easily. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged. Targeted Ulmer because his def down is annoying. That allowed Balthazar to fire once, but it wasn’t an issue. All bosses went down in short order.
Sun Shianxiang got another fighter node, and I finally settled on Merlin for my next wizard to emblem, so he’s up to +7 now. Trainer hero to LB Kage.
Very simple, and only Ulmer fired once but killed himself on Elena riposte.
No items used. No deaths.
Junaid / Boldtusk / Elena / Proteus / Sartana
usually, this is quite a slow trial because of my heroes, but today it went really fast. Not full of tiles needed but not lacking either, it was honestly a good amount.
Emblems are for Ingolf (he was on 0, but now +3) and wizard are for Glenda
My team this time:
Since last time, Magni has his full costume bonus. No other changes.
Slogging through the mob waves is just a matter of waiting for blue and yellow tiles to come. Used Kiril once to heal, but otherwise, held specials for the bosses. Looked like the board was lining up under Balthazar, so he got the snipes from Poseidon and Magni, and soon he went down. Turned attention next to Oberon, and he also fell without firing. Ulmer followed soon after. Short and sweet, as usual.
Wizard emblems give me two nodes for Ulmer. Fighter emblems give me the last node for Sun Shangxiang. Trainer hero to Edd.
Just felt like trying something different because I have a couple of teams that make this trial a breeze. So I decided to try a couple 3s here that i recently gave emblems for tournaments:
and bring along Hu Tao because i hardly ever use him anymore. but this had strong colors against the bosses and a mountain of overheal so i thought this might work. Bertila also reverses Ulmer’s def down which is handy.
this was close, but still managed to finish with no items used. Mostly thanks to all that overheal, and Hu Tao making the bosses miss for a while. 3s really do have a hard time in the last stage of these trials, even emblemed and 2x health, and i almost lost Grevle in the first wave, but got the healing going just in time. entered the boss wave at 2x health, but Grevle still went down first, followed by Rekhetre, then Bertila, all to snipes from Balthazar, but Bertila managed to reverse Ulmer’s def down one last time before she went down and that saved the day, as i got good tiles to take out Ulmer and then a snipe to Balthazar from Poseidon and a couple tiles finished him. so yay! finished it with a couple of 3s, but yeah, def. two of the best.
Wizards saved and trainer for Nyx. probably going to max Ilmarinen, since i just got 12 rings, so fighters will probably go to get him up to 7.
My team this time:
Same team as last time. Magni is up two talents (to access his superior talents) and Kiril now has a double costume bonus.
Mob waves are no challenge. Entered the boss wave with everyone but Kiril charged, since I had just fired him before killing the last mobling. Tiles lined up well under Oberon, so I fired my snipers and him and killed him with a blue match-4. Managed to recharge Poseidon and fire him just prior to Balthazar being ready to fire. Ulmer would have fired but for a cascade, but he didn’t.
Fighter emblems take Lancelot up a node, although those emblems may get reallocated to Scoratek eventually. Wizard emblems saved for Victor. Trainer hero also to Victor.
I changed mine this time
Kiril / Magni / cPerseus / Proteus/ Sartana
No items used and the bosses died fast
I wish the would add a Stage 4 and 5 gor trials, and give more emblems
was busy and forgot to post this earlier, decided to mix it up after last time’s semi-success with Grevle and go rainbow so i couldn’t complain about a bad board:
Grevle to 19 now for the mana node. accumulating wizards seems so slow going now. Isarnia and Nyx have been sitting at 7 for a while now, although i did +20 a Kiril for the superior jinx.
taste the rainbow baddies! no items used. This looks worse than it was, i went in with everyone 2x health and charged, and they were quickly down to about a third of their health, but the bosses still had a bunch of hp and i couldn’t take out Ulmer until the turn after he fired with a second Poseidon snipe. with the def down, i lost Poseidon and Grevle to Balthazar snipes before i could finally get him and win. as you can see, the other three are still in pretty good shape though.
Wizards for Nyx’s next node. Fighters will go to someone when i can make up my mind, so much competition for them. Trainer was purple i think? if so, to Ahhotep.
Completely changed my team after a while as I got some better heroes in these classes. This time no mana control heroes and just pure firepower + def down, attack up.
This trial is now very easy with this team. No items.
My team this time:
Same team as always.
Honestly, when this trial comes around, they should just leave the emblems and trainer in my inbox. Eliminated the mobs easily, slowing down only to preserve a blue diamond I made in wave 3. Entered the boss wave with everyone charged, firing snipers at Ulmer. Popped a purple diamond that led to matching the blue diamond and creating another one in the process. That also recharged all my blue heroes to fire at Ulmer again. Popped the second blue diamond, triggering a cascade that ended the whole thing in two moves.
Fighter emblems from a previous stage take Lancelot up a node. Wizard emblems saved for Victor. Trainer hero to C. Victor.
oh boy, guess what? i did this, rainbow style:
in retrospect i really should have put Shale between Nyx and Bertila. live and learn.
also, ‘plain’ Misandra hard-carried this team right until the very end. when she multi-hits, it’s fantastic.
Fighters probably to c2Magni or Poseidon, Wizards to Nyx or Isarnia
New team, I am using
Kiril / Glenda / c Perseus / Scoratek / Onatel
Onatel recently got finished, and I put her to +20, so this is me using her on Trials for the first time
Glenda has no emblems because I removed them from her for Onatel
Ok for Stage 3 I went with different than the first 2
Melendor / Proteus / Kingston / Scoratek / Onatel
No items used, no deaths - not even close. I had an amazing board at the end, every hero was constantly charged