🟣 [Master Discussion] -- Master Cleric Trials - Guide, Sharing & Discussion

It’s time for Master Class Trials !

Ending dialog

This class trial starts on a Fridays at 07:00am UTC. It recurs every 70 days.

Restricted Classes

:world_map: Quest Guide

Credit to @Zartanis

Guide by @birksg

Legendary, Epic and Rare Cleric heroes

Collected by and credits to @Oxide

Legendary Clerics
Hero Element Costume
Aeron Dark Periwig Judge
Aino Ice Summer Maiden
Alberich Nature Everoak Knight
Alexandrine Ice Shield Against Injustice
Anzia Ice Galactic Savior
Ariel Ice Princess of Atlantis
Becky Dark Starlight Conjurer
Bera Dark Conjurer of the DĂ­sir
Black Caesar Fire Boatswain of Corelia
Blossom Fire Porcelain Doll Construct
Boom & Fang Nature Reckless Duo
Celidana Holy Leader of the Sacred Clergy
Charon Dark Ferryman of Styx
Christine Daae Holy Songbird of the Opera
Cinderella Fire Housemaid of Grimforest
Cleopatra Holy Divine Pharaoh
Diaochan Dark Flower Beauty
Dolores Holy Reckless Private Investigator
Elkanen Nature Spearmaster of Moonlight
Elkanen Nature Toon Spearmaster
Ephyra Holy Nereid Princess
Februus Nature Masked God of Purification
Fulvia Fire Queen of Owl Tower
Furdinand Holy Ruffian of the Canine Expedition
Gestalt Fire Prince of the Eternal Deep
Gongniu Holy Lunar Guardian Ox
Grazul Fire The Fiery Healer
Grilka Holy Hospitable Quartermaster
Grimble Dark Shepherd
Hathor Fire Starlit Mother
Hawthorn Dark Hunter Journeyman
Hel Dark Omen of Darkness
Hetepheres Ice Cunning Sphinx
Hulda Dark Head of the Moles
Isarnia Ice Ruler of Glaceholm
Jasper Holy Florist Bull
Kadilen Nature Moonlit Fairy
Kettle Ice Kitchen Alchemist
Kunchen Dark Mystical Vagabond
Lady Loki Fire Trickster Mother
Leadria Nature Queen of Eternal Spring
Lianna Nature The Noble Guardian
Malicna Dark Wicked Lector
Mariol Ice Courtier of Owl Tower
Misty Ice Snorkeling Gnome
Motega Holy Master Groundskeeper
Mother North Nature The Northern Chef
Nadezhda Fire Tower Headmaster
Passepartout Ice Elegant Artist
Prof. Lidenbrock Holy Sagacious Scientist
Quartz Dark Ninja of Quiet Graves
Queen Anne Nature Elegant Monarch
Queen of Hearts Fire Benefactor of Wonderland
Quinn Ice Cosmic Chef
Rana Holy Surfer Queen
Reuben Fire Sworn Occultist
Rhys Holy Bard of Valor
Rian Ice The Steadfast
Shaal Holy Cleric Construct
Sif Holy Golden Deity
Snow White Ice Princess of Grimforest
Suzuna Ice Spellcaster Fashionista
Thalassa Ice Primordial Goddess of the Oceans
The Hatter Nature Riddler of Wonderland
Toxicandra Nature Sovereign of Cerbera
Ultrox Dark Temple Keeper of the Deep
Vaishali Holy Mystic Chess Master
Vivica Holy Scholar Supreme
Vivica Holy Toon Scholar
White Rabbit Holy Guide of Wonderland
Xiamara Nature Guardian of the Emerald Forest
Xiwangmu Fire The Queen Mother
Zenobia Fire Myriapod Queen
Epic Clerics
Hero Element Costume
Agwe Ice Chameleon Shaman
Ana-Belle Dark Charlady of Morlovia
Anton Nature Young Scholar
Boldtusk Fire The Feral Sage
Boril Ice Stout Defender
Gafar Dark Vizier of Sand Empire
Gormek Fire The Epicurean
Griffin Holy Invisible Priest
Gullinbursti Holy Unchained Boar
Hansel Nature Witch Hunter of Grimforest
Holly Holy Gnome Head Chef
Koda Dark Knight of the Plum Forest
Lady Woolerton Holy Mender of Springvale
Merlin Dark Astromancer of Avalon
Mist Holy Commander of Valkyries
Rigard Dark Noble Cavalier
Sabina Dark Deathless Princess
Sanngrior Ice Fallen Valkyrie
Skittleskull Nature Candy Witch
Steropes Holy Artist Cyclops
Tiburtus Dark Lamenting Duke
Wilbur Fire Bold Brewmaster
Zione Holy Mechanized Delivery Expert
Rare Clerics
Hero Element Costume
Aderyn Dark Medic of the Castle
Brienne Nature Shaman of Concordia
Candy Holy Mirthful Merrymaker
Dawn Ice Hunter Minstrel
Faiez Nature Fortuitous Farmer
Gramps Nature Halfling Elder
Hawkmoon Fire Ascendant Shaman
Hawkmoon Fire Ascendant Toon
Kailani Holy Selfless Healer
Kailani Holy Toon Healer
Mnesseus Nature Merman of Atlantis
Paeia Holy Princess of Owl Tower
Pixie Holy Sprite of Grimforest
Renfeld Dark Unhinged Surgeon
Virgil Ice Guide to the Underworld

:grey_question: Standard Questions for All Trials

  • Did your team change notably since last time?
  • Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
  • Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
  • What items did you use, if any?
  • What are you doing with your shiny new Master Emblems?
  • Anything else interesting to share?

:link: Related Threads

Other Master Class Trials Discussion Threads


Rigard, Becky, Gestalt, Zenobia… and not sure which 5th i will use

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This one may be a challenge for many as it may be healer heavy and light on hitters.

I’ll start with the hitters I have as I can figure out which healer works best later.
Mist and Hansel are the two I will absolutely take for Mana control. C.Isarnia and C.Lianna are my next best options simply because I have them leveled highly.
For healers, Mother North has her obvious advantages. Jasper may help deal some damage, but may not be great against Hatter.

I seem green heavy. But likely I’ll do Mother North, C.Lianna, Mist, C.Isarnia, Hansel.


On the bright side, none of the bosses are healers, considering how many cleric-class heroes seem to be. At least, I don’t think they are. I don’t know half of the heroes anymore. But as much of a pain as they are to take down now, can you imagine a Hetepheres boss throwing a 42% heal?

On the downside, I have almost no hitting clerics. I actually re-emblemed C1 Skittleskull for this trial today! My clerics who do damage with their specials? Elkanen (no costumes or emblems), Grimble, Mist, Hansel, C1 Skittles, Gafar, and Mnesseus. That’s it; that’s the list. It’s going to take forever to take these bosses down. I guess I could go Hetepheres, Rhys, Grazul, Vivica, and Rigard and fight the longest freakin’ battle of attrition in E&P history!


I probably will too, but how many curse words will be uttered when the bosses’ manashield talent procs over and over and over…


I gave every feeder to toon Elkanen recently to get him ready in time for this quest! He is done (4.85+20) - and he will be my primary damage dealer. I can’t remember who suggested this, but c2 Gormek should help for this quest as well. I think the rest of my team will be Rigard - Mist - Hansel. It should be interesting!


Just looked at my heroes, I have Ariel, Thalassa, and Vivica also to use.

Hmm, I think it will be

Ariel / Becky / Gestalt / Thalassa / Zenobia


I can’t remember where I saw it, but I thought someone said bosses don’t have their talents unlike the regular emblem trials. Perhaps I’m misremembering?


That would be fantastic.


For me it’ll probably be Shaal, C-Hel, Gestalt, Xiamara and Christine Daae as my strongest clerics. If Shaal’s heal isn’t enough I’ll replace him with a healer :thinking:


Well damn, i totally forgot about cHel, maybe I will use her instead of someone… instead of Zenobia probably.
Or maybe I will use 2x purple instead of 2x blue. Ahh decisions!


Totally agree.

My team had close to zero hitters, based on the boss stats.

My Elkanen has no limit break and no talents.

Mist has only 20 talents, no limit break.

Both Dawn have limit break 1 + 20 talents, but it is 3*…

Mist + Dawn made sure no boss fired the entire trial.

If I would change something, I would get rid of the antidotes and get some bomb attacks / other damage dealing items.

Overall, the master trials are a slap in the face for the FTP / C2P, considering the difficulty per master emblem loot…

I didn’t see any talent being activated and I had lots of mana cut. I think they have no talents.


”Magical Girl Lianna and the Four Stars” sounds like some kinda J-pop tribute band

That was… slow and grueling. In retrospect, possibly should have tried swapping Hansel


for Dawn

though I would be concerned about keeping her owlettes up and through boss slash hits.

Items brought: minor mana pots, mana pots, bear banners, revive scrolls

Items left at end of Stage 3: one revive scroll (ugh)

No cleric talents on bosses confirmed.


Done with this team :slight_smile: wasn’t too tedious, Xiwangmu’s stacks helped, as did Gullin-C’s damage. Mist made sure that Hatter couldn’t steal anything, and Thalassa stopped the ailments. C-Lianna’s mana slow and damage were useful too.


Soo i decided on


I managed to overcome this slogfest…


i used Gestalt, Queen Anne, Ferdinand, Becky and Thalassa, with Gestalt at lb2, Thalassa LB1, and the other three just 4/80… i got a good board but both the previous two master trials were a bit more challenging for me.


4.1k team, with Titan strategy
with Leadria protect everyone

I chose C.Renfield over Mist since I think C.Renfield has better mana control

Forgot that i brought timestop, so i use some tornado for Hansel :sweat_smile:


All the Clerics (Base or Costume)
5 :star: Cleric

Hero Element Costume
Aeron Dark Periwig Judge
Aino Ice Summer Maiden
Alberich Nature Everoak Knight
Alexandrine Ice Shield Against Injustice
Anzia Ice Galactic Savior
Ariel Ice Princess of Atlantis
Becky Dark Starlight Conjurer
Bera Dark Conjurer of the DĂ­sir
Black Caesar Fire Boatswain of Corelia
Blossom Fire Porcelain Doll Construct
Boom & Fang Nature Reckless Duo
Celidana Holy Leader of the Sacred Clergy
Charon Dark Ferryman of Styx
Christine Daae Holy Songbird of the Opera
Cinderella Fire Housemaid of Grimforest
Cleopatra Holy Divine Pharaoh
Diaochan Dark Flower Beauty
Dolores Holy Reckless Private Investigator
Elkanen Nature Spearmaster of Moonlight
Elkanen Nature Toon Spearmaster
Ephyra Holy Nereid Princess
Februus Nature Masked God of Purification
Fulvia Fire Queen of Owl Tower
Furdinand Holy Ruffian of the Canine Expedition
Gestalt Fire Prince of the Eternal Deep
Gongniu Holy Lunar Guardian Ox
Grazul Fire The Fiery Healer
Grilka Holy Hospitable Quartermaster
Grimble Dark Shepherd
Hathor Fire Starlit Mother
Hawthorn Dark Hunter Journeyman
Hel Dark Omen of Darkness
Hetepheres Ice Cunning Sphinx
Hulda Dark Head of the Moles
Isarnia Ice Ruler of Glaceholm
Jasper Holy Florist Bull
Kadilen Nature Moonlit Fairy
Kettle Ice Kitchen Alchemist
Kunchen Dark Mystical Vagabond
Lady Loki Fire Trickster Mother
Leadria Nature Queen of Eternal Spring
Lianna Nature The Noble Guardian
Malicna Dark Wicked Lector
Mariol Ice Courtier of Owl Tower
Misty Ice Snorkeling Gnome
Motega Holy Master Groundskeeper
Mother North Nature The Northern Chef
Nadezhda Fire Tower Headmaster
Passepartout Ice Elegant Artist
Prof. Lidenbrock Holy Sagacious Scientist
Quartz Dark Ninja of Quiet Graves
Queen Anne Nature Elegant Monarch
Queen of Hearts Fire Benefactor of Wonderland
Quinn Ice Cosmic Chef
Rana Holy Surfer Queen
Reuben Fire Sworn Occultist
Rhys Holy Bard of Valor
Rian Ice The Steadfast
Shaal Holy Cleric Construct
Sif Holy Golden Deity
Snow White Ice Princess of Grimforest
Suzuna Ice Spellcaster Fashionista
Thalassa Ice Primordial Goddess of the Oceans
The Hatter Nature Riddler of Wonderland
Toxicandra Nature Sovereign of Cerbera
Ultrox Dark Temple Keeper of the Deep
Vaishali Holy Mystic Chess Master
Vivica Holy Scholar Supreme
Vivica Holy Toon Scholar
White Rabbit Holy Guide of Wonderland
Xiamara Nature Guardian of the Emerald Forest
Xiwangmu Fire The Queen Mother
Zenobia Fire Myriapod Queen

4 :star: Cleric

Hero Element Costume
Agwe Ice Chameleon Shaman
Ana-Belle Dark Charlady of Morlovia
Anton Nature Young Scholar
Boldtusk Fire The Feral Sage
Boril Ice Stout Defender
Gafar Dark Vizier of Sand Empire
Gormek Fire The Epicurean
Griffin Holy Invisible Priest
Gullinbursti Holy Unchained Boar
Hansel Nature Witch Hunter of Grimforest
Holly Holy Gnome Head Chef
Koda Dark Knight of the Plum Forest
Lady Woolerton Holy Mender of Springvale
Merlin Dark Astromancer of Avalon
Mist Holy Commander of Valkyries
Rigard Dark Noble Cavalier
Sabina Dark Deathless Princess
Sanngrior Ice Fallen Valkyrie
Skittleskull Nature Candy Witch
Steropes Holy Artist Cyclops
Tiburtus Dark Lamenting Duke
Wilbur Fire Bold Brewmaster
Zione Holy Mechanized Delivery Expert

3 :star: Cleric

Hero Element Costume
Aderyn Dark Medic of the Castle
Brienne Nature Shaman of Concordia
Candy Holy Mirthful Merrymaker
Dawn Ice Hunter Minstrel
Faiez Nature Fortuitous Farmer
Gramps Nature Halfling Elder
Hawkmoon Fire Ascendant Shaman
Hawkmoon Fire Ascendant Toon
Kailani Holy Selfless Healer
Kailani Holy Toon Healer
Mnesseus Nature Merman of Atlantis
Paeia Holy Princess of Owl Tower
Pixie Holy Sprite of Grimforest
Renfeld Dark Unhinged Surgeon
Virgil Ice Guide to the Underworld

Thx, I have put it to the OP.